

Latest articles in Technology

Definition of LCD

The acronym LCD stands for Liquid Crystal Display, an expression from the English language that can be translated as Liquid Crystal Display. An LCD, therefore, is a type of screen, which is characterized by being flat and made up of pixels that contain liquid crystal molecules. These pixels are located between […]

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Definition of washing machine

Washing machine is a term that can be used in the feminine (la lavadorarropas) or in the masculine (el lavadorarropas). This is the name given to the machine used to wash clothes. Mentioned in the singular as lavadora or lavadora, the concept is frequently used in Argentina and Uruguay, although in other countries the plural is preferred.

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Definition of latex

Latex is a term whose etymological root is found in the Latin language. This is the name given to the viscous liquid contained in the laticiferous vessels of various plants, with which numerous products can be made. This substance, composed of resins, waxes, fats and other elements, circulates through these vessels of plants. Therefore, it is […]

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Definition of can

The term “tin” refers to tinplate. This is the name given to a sheet of steel or iron that has both sides coated with tin. In this case, we have to say that the etymological origin of the word is found in Latin. Specifically, it derives from “latta”. The container made of tin is also called a tin […]

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Definition of laser

The term laser comes from the English word laser, which is an acronym for the expression Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation. This expression can be translated into Spanish as Light Amplification by Induced Emission of Radiation. A laser, therefore, is a device that allows a coherent and monochromatic beam of light to be amplified […]

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Definition of ballast

The term ballast has several uses depending on the context. The concept can be used to refer to the material that is loaded into a hot air balloon or a ship to increase its weight. When the ballast is released, the means of transport becomes lighter. By adding or releasing ballast, therefore, the weight of the ship can be increased.

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Definition of lacquer

The adjective lacquered, which can also be referred to as lacquered, is used to describe something that is coated with lacquer. The term also refers to the act and result of lacquering. It is therefore necessary to define what lacquer and lacquer are in order to understand the notion of lacquering. Lacquer is a type of material that is […]

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Definition of laptop

The term laptop is not included in the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) dictionary. However, the term is frequently used in our language. It is important to establish that the etymological origin of this term is found in English and is the result of the sum of two lexical components of […]

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Definition of pen

The concept of lapicera is used in several South American countries to refer to different items with similar characteristics. Thus, the meaning of lapicera changes according to the region. A lapicera can be a fountain pen, also known as a fountain pen or stylograph. It is a writing device that has a built-in cartridge […]

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Definition of laminate

Laminate is an adjective used to describe something that is provided with sheets. The concept also refers to the act and result of laminating: making sheets or covering something with this type of sheets. To understand what a laminate is, we must first focus on the idea of ​​a sheet. This is what laminate is called […]

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