

Latest articles in Technology

Definition of loop

Loop is an English term that the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) does not include in its dictionary, although it is often used in various ways in our language. The concept can be translated as a loop or a loop. In the field of music, a loop is a sound or a set of sounds that are repeated in a […]

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Definition of logging in

Logging in is a verb that is frequently used in our language, although it is not part of the dictionary developed by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). It is usually used in the context of computing. The term comes from the English expression log in, which refers to the action necessary to access a system. […]

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Definition of locomotive

The term locomotive can be used as an adjective or as a noun. In the first case, it refers to something linked to locomotion: the transfer from one place to another. Its most common use, however, is as a noun. A locomotive is the machine used to pull the wagons of a train.

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Definition of Linux

Linux is the colloquial name for a free operating system. Technically, the name Linux is given to the core or kernel of the system, which is correctly called GNU/Linux. Finnish engineer Linus Torvalds is the creator and developer of the Linux kernel, although Richard Stallman previously promoted the GNU project. As an operating system, Linux is multitasking and […]

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Definition of flashlight

In order to understand the meaning of the term lantern, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to point out that it comes from Latin, specifically from “lanterna”, which can be translated as “lantern” or “flashlight”. This word, in turn, comes from the Greek “lamptér”, which is synonymous with “torch”. A lantern […]

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Definition of link

Before going into the meaning of the term link, we must establish that it is an Anglicism. However, this English word must be determined to be derived, in turn, from the Nordic. Specifically, it comes from “hlenkr”, which can be translated as “chain link”. Link is a term that is not part of the English word […]

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Definition of sandpaper

A filefish is a marine fish that belongs to the suborder of the squalids. It is a species that can measure up to one meter in length, with a small head and a toothed mouth. Filefish have a grayish body that turns whitish in the abdominal area and exhibits reddish spots on the back. Although the skin is […]

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Definition of HTML language

Before going into the meaning of the term html language, we are going to proceed to discover the etymological origin of those two words that give it form: -Language, firstly, comes from the Provençal «lenguatge», which can be translated as «set of languages». -HTML, secondly, is the acronym for the English words HyperText […]

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Definition of lenses

With its etymological origin in the Latin word lens, the notion of lens refers to the transparent element used in optical instruments to deflect light rays and allow the formation of images. Its operation is based on the different degrees of refraction of light rays when they hit the various surfaces.

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Definition of LED

The English expression light-emitting diode, which can be translated as “light emitting diode”, gave rise to the acronym LED. Due to its widespread use, this acronym became a noun accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. An LED is a semiconductor diode that, when it receives voltage, generates light. […]

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