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Definition of pressure gauge

In order to discover the meaning of the term manometer that we are dealing with here, it is necessary, first of all, to know its etymological origin. In this case we can establish that it is a neologism made up of two Greek words: -The word «manos», which can be translated as «not dense» or «light». -The noun «metron», which is synonymous with «measure». From […]

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Definition of crank

The French word manivelle came to our language as crank. This French word, in turn, comes from Latin. Specifically, it comes from the word “manualis”, which can be translated as “manual”. According to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary, this is the name given to a stork or a handlebar. In the same way […]

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Definition of command

Command is the power or dominion that a superior has over his subordinates or subjects. By extension, command refers to the individual or group that has the authority. For example: “The team is once again under the command of its head coach, who has recovered from an illness”, “By decision of […]

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Definition of masonry

Masonry is a construction system based on the manual arrangement of masonry that is usually used without hewing. The elements are adjusted without order in terms of sizes or courses. It can be said that masonry is based on the superposition of materials. This method is used to build walls and limits of parameters […]

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Definition of mesh

In order to discover the meaning of the term “matale”, it is necessary, first of all, to know its etymological origin. In this case, we have to explain that it comes from the French “maille”, which, in turn, comes from the Latin “macula”, which can be translated as “stain”. “Matale” is a term with several uses. The term is usually used to refer to […]

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Definition of malware

The term malware comes from the English expression “malicious software”. It is a malicious software: that is, a computer program whose purpose is to cause damage to a system. Specifically, it should be noted that this term was first coined in the 1990s. Exactly […]

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Definition of magnifying glass

The concept of magnifying glass comes from the French word loupe. The term refers to a magnifying lens that usually has a handle to facilitate its manipulation. This optical instrument has a convergent lens that, by deflecting the light, produces a virtual image that magnifies the observed object. The magnifying glass, therefore, is used […]

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Definition of lubrication center

The term lubricenter is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The concept is linked to the action of lubricating: using a substance to minimize the friction that occurs between different surfaces that are in contact. A lubricenter is an establishment specialized in engine lubrication. Generally, it is […]

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Definition of lubrication

Lubrication is the act and consequence of lubricating. This verb (lubricate), on the other hand, refers to the application of a substance to minimize the friction that occurs when different elements come into contact. Lubrication is very important in the field of mechanics. When there are two moving parts, the use of lubrication is essential […]

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Definition of LTE

The acronym LTE is often used to refer to the English expression Long Term Evolution, which is used in the field of telecommunications. LTE is a standard for high-speed wireless data transmission that represents the evolution of 3G, although not reaching the speed of 4G. The system was developed by 3rd party […]

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