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Definition of mill

With its etymological origin in the late Latin word molīnum, a mill is a machine used for grinding. Its operation is based on the movement generated by wind, water or another driving force. Mills, therefore, are devices used for grinding: that is, to convert a material into a liquid.

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Mockup definition

A mockup is a model or prototype used to display or test a design. The term, which is not part of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) dictionary and comes from the English word mock-up, is usually developed to find out the opinion of users or consumers. Thanks to a mockup, a designer can analyze the design and […]

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Definition of MMORPG

The acronym MMORPG refers to the English expression massively multiplayer online role-playing game, which can be translated as massively multiplayer online role-playing game. An MMORPG, therefore, allows the user to be part of a virtual universe simultaneously with many other individuals, interacting and competing with them. Each player uses a software that is […]

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Definition of micron

Before going into the meaning of the term micron, it is necessary to know its etymological origin. In this case, we can emphasize that it is a word that derives from Greek, specifically from “micron”, which can be translated as “small”. The concept of micron is used to refer to the unit of […]

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Definition of microphone

The word microphone has its etymological origin in Greek. It is the result of the sum of several lexical components of that language: -The word “mikros”, which can be translated as “small”. -The noun “phone”, which is synonymous with “sound”. -The suffix “-o”, which is used to indicate “agent”. A microphone is a […]

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Definition of millimeter

The etymological origin of the term millimeter is the first thing we are going to determine. In this case, we have to establish that it is the result of the union of two lexical components from different languages. Thus, it is the fruit of adding: -The Latin term “mille”, which means “thousand”. -The Greek noun “metron”, which can be translated as “measure”. […]

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Definition of microscope

A microscope is a device that enables the observation of elements that are too small to be seen with the naked eye. The term comes from the Latin word microscopium. The origins of the microscope date back to the end of the 16th century and are usually associated with the tests carried out by the Dutchman Zacharias Janssen, a microscope manufacturer.

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Definition of microprocessor

A microprocessor is an electrical circuit made up of a large number of transistors that are integrated into a chip. Microprocessors allow the development of different functions in a computer. Due to its complexity and relevance, it is common to refer to the microprocessor as the brain of computers. This device is responsible for […]

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Definition of metalanguage

The notion of metalanguage is used in two different fields. In the field of linguistics, the term refers to the language used to refer to another language, while in computer science the concept refers to the language used to describe a programming language system. As can be seen, […]

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Definition of metallurgy

The etymological origin of the term metallurgy that we are dealing with here can be found in Greek. Specifically, we can state that it comes from the sum of three lexical components of that language: -The noun «metallon», which can be translated as «gallery of a mine». -The word «ergon», which is synonymous with «work». […]

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