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Definition of baking

The first thing to know, before discovering the meaning of the term panificación, is its etymological origin. In this case, it is necessary to know that it comes from the verb panificar, which derives from Latin, specifically it is the result of the sum of two lexical components: -The noun panis, which is synonymous with “bread”. -The verb facere, […]

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Definition of palmtop

The term palmtop is not included in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). However, it is frequently used in the field of technology. This is the name given to a very small computer that, due to its small size, fits in the palm of a hand. Although there are different models, it is usually used as an agenda, […]

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Definition of PAE

NCP is an acronym that has several uses. One of the most common is in the health field and refers to the nursing care process (NCP). This NCP is a system that, based on an organized and scientific model developed by a nursing professional, aims to provide assistance and care that is […]

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Definition of orthosis

In order to understand the meaning of the term orthosis, it is necessary, first of all, to discover its etymological origin. In this case, we have to explain that it is a word that comes from Greek, since it is the result of the sum of the following lexical components of said language: -The word «orthos», which can be translated as «ortho» […]

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Open Office Definition

Open Office is the name by which Apache OpenOffice, an office suite, is usually referred to. It is, therefore, a set of computer programs that allow the development of different tasks, such as the creation, editing and storage of documents that are usually used in the workplace. Since its code is not supported by any other software, it is […]

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Definition of Russian waves

Russian waves are a type of aesthetic and rehabilitation treatment that consists of the electrostimulation of the nerve endings of the muscles. For this, external equipment is used to stimulate the muscles through electrical impulses. With a Russian wave treatment, the muscles are able to […]

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Definition of OLED

The acronym OLED comes from the English expression organic light-emitting diode; that is, “organic light-emitting diode” or “organic light-emitting diode”. This is the name given to the diode made from organic materials capable of reacting to an electrical stimulus. OLED technology, therefore, does not use semiconductors or […]

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Definition of shutter

A shutter is something that allows you to close something. This verb (to close), in turn, refers to blocking or covering a channel or hole through the application or introduction of some element. In the field of photography, a shutter is a mechanical device that, in a camera, is used to open a […]

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Definition of nylon

Nylon is a registered trademark that is often used as a common noun. The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) dictionary, however, does not recognize the term, but prefers its meaning as nylon or nylon. Nylon is a synthetic polyamide. This means that it is a polymer that has a high tensile strength and a high tensile strength.

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Definition of bus

The Latin word omnĭbus, which translates as “for all,” came to French as omnibus. This is the immediate etymological antecedent of omnibus, a term that refers to a means of transport. A Latin word that was formed from the sum of two lexical components of that language: the word “omnis,” which means “for all.”

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