

Latest articles in Technology

Definition of haptics

The Greek word haptikós came to Spanish as haptic. It is a cultured adjective that can be used as a synonym for tactile. Linked to touch Haptic or tactile, therefore, is something linked to touch: the sense that enables the perception of sensations of temperature, pressure and contact when touching or palpating. In the sense of touch, the word haptic is used to describe the sensations of temperature, pressure and contact.

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Definition of cisgenesis

Cisgenesis is the genetic change that is introduced into an organism by incorporating a gene from another organism that is sexually compatible with it. It is a technique that is often used in the field of agriculture to promote the reproduction of certain plant species. Sexual compatibility It is […]

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Definition of mechanization

Mechanization is the act and result of machining. The verb to mechanize, meanwhile, refers to using machines for the development of a process. Mechanical processing Mechanization, in this context, implies resorting to mechanical processing. To achieve this, machinery is used that generally increases the speed of operations and allows […]

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Definition of vulcanization

Vulcanization is the process and result of vulcanizing. The act of vulcanizing, meanwhile, refers to the combination of an elastic rubber with sulfur, so that the rubber in question remains elastic both hot and cold. Origins of vulcanization The term derives from Vulcan, the god of fire […]

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Definition of helicopter

A helicopter is an aerial vehicle that flies thanks to a vertical axis propeller driven by an engine. In this way it can ascend and descend vertically. Rotary wing aircraft The aerodynamic lift of these aircraft is therefore based on the rotation of blades around a vertical axis. […]

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Definition of parcel delivery

The notion of parcel is used to refer to the commercial goods that are sold or stored in packages. A package, meanwhile, is a well-prepared bundle or package of one or more items. Main meanings Generally, the idea of ​​package is used in reference to the box used for transport and/or […]

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Definition of package

The term package, which comes from the French word paquet, has multiple meanings. The first meaning recognized by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to the packaging or well-prepared package of one or more elements. Transport or delivery of products A package can be a container used to transport or […]

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Definition of gunpowder

The concept of gunpowder comes from the Latin word pulvis. It is a mixture that can be made with different elements and that, when it reaches a certain temperature, ignites and releases multiple gases with violence. Explosive product Gunpowder, therefore, is an explosive product. Its original formula included carbon, sulfur and saltpeter, although […]

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Definition of pen

A ballpoint pen is a writing utensil. This device has a small metal ball at its tip, which rotates freely, and has a tube filled with ink in its central part. History The creation of the ballpoint pen is attributed to Ladislao Biro, a Hungarian journalist and inventor who became a Hungarian citizen.

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Definition of audiophile

An audiophile is an individual who has a keen interest in sound recording and playback systems. These people aspire to enjoy high-fidelity, high-quality audio. They seek the best experience Audiophiles, therefore, look at the technological resources and equipment that allow them to enjoy the best experience […]

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