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Definition of wind turbine

A wind turbine is a device that uses rotor blades to produce electrical energy from wind energy. The concept is formed by the compositional element aero- (which refers to “air”) and the term generator (a machine that generates energy or force). Energy transformation Before moving forward with the definition of […]

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Definition of polygraphy

The Greek word polygraphía came to our language as polygraphy. The first meaning given by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to the technique that allows one to write in a hidden way, in such a way that what is written is intelligible only to those who are able to discover the content. The notion also refers to […]

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Definition of repeatability

Repeatability is the condition of being repeatable: that is, it can be repeated, always achieving the same results. This idea is used in the field of scientific methodology. Repeatability in science Repeatability is taken into account when carrying out a scientific experiment and drawing conclusions about it. That the experiment […]

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Definition of radiophony

Radio is the transmission of sounds by means of electromagnetic waves. This term is formed from the word radio (in its meaning as radio broadcasting: “the open transmission of sound content by means of Hertzian waves”) and phōnía, from Greek, (which translates as “sound”). Electromagnetic waves In the case of radio, sound is transmitted […]

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Definition of turbidimeter

A turbidimeter is a device used to measure the turbidity of a liquid. These devices can also determine the size and concentration of particles that are suspended through the diffusion of light in a tube. Also called a nephelometer Before moving forward with the definition, it is important to […]

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Definition of guardrail

A guardaraya is the boundary of an estate, the border of a sector of land that belongs to a family group. This is the meaning that the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes for this feminine noun, in accordance with its use in the Antilles. Milestone, sign or boundary stone A guardaraya, in this context, […]

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Definition of modeling

The action of modeling refers to the construction of a scheme or a model. A model is a small-scale representation of something or an archetype that serves as a reference. Development of a theoretical model Modeling is often used as a synonym for modeling. However, there are differences between the two.

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Definition of light aircraft

An airplane is an aircraft equipped with wings whose weight is greater than that of air, and which can be supported and moved thanks to the operation of one or more engines. The adjective light, insofar as it refers to something that has a reduced weight or that is fast and agile. A small aircraft A light airplane, therefore, is a small […]

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LabVIEW Definition

LabVIEW is the name of a platform that allows the design of computer systems, promoting the development of measurements, tests and control tasks. It is a systems engineering program. Graphic programming The term LabVIEW is an acronym that comes from the English expression Laboratory Virtual Instrument Engineering Workbench. The system was developed […]

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Definition of metacenter

The metacentre is a point that affects the transverse stability of a symmetrical body. This concept is used in the field of physics and is linked to the flotation of the body in question. Crossing of axis and straight line The idea of ​​metacentre is used in nautical science to name the place where the axis and straight line meet. […]

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