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Definition of formica

Formica is a material obtained from the conglomeration of paper impregnated and coated with a resin. The term, which comes from the registered trademark Formica, is also accepted as formica, according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. High pressure laminate Formica is a laminate […]

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Definition of sprinkler

Sprinkler comes from the Latin word aspersus, which in turn is derived from aspergĕre (which can be translated as “to spray”). It is a device that allows spraying: spreading in small drops. It spreads liquids under pressure The sprinkler spreads water or another liquid under pressure. Its mechanism allows the pressurized flow to be converted into mist. Sprinklers, therefore, are used to […]

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Definition of van

Van is a term that comes from the French word fourgon. This is the name given to a vehicle similar to a truck, although smaller. Integrated body and cabin In vans, the body and cabin are integrated. Generally, the van is used to transport goods. The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), for its part, defines it as a van […]

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Definition of flange

The Middle High German word brīdel, which can be translated as “rein”, came to French as bride. This term came to our language as brida: this is the term used, in the field of horsemanship, to refer to the set of bits and reins that are placed on the horse’s head and that allow it to be steered. Control of the horse […]

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Definition of express

The concept of express has several uses depending on the context. Its etymological origin is found in the Latin word expressus, which in turn is derived from exprimĕre. As an adjective, express can be used as an adjective or as a noun. In the first case, it is used to describe something that was clearly expressed or precisely specified. […]

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Definition of carafe

A carafe is a glass vessel with a spherical body and a long neck that is used to store and transport liquids. This notion is very broad, as it can refer to different types of containers and packaging. Sometimes a carafe is referred to as a drum, which can be made of plastic, metal or other […]

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Definition of sink

A sink is a basin or basin used for scrubbing: scrubbing (rubbing) something with something else. Scrubbing generally refers to cleaning an item by scrubbing it with a sponge, cloth or brush that is soaked in water and an appropriate product (such as a detergent or some type of soap). Structure […]

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Definition of formwork

Formwork is the mould made from sheets or boards to contain the concrete until it has set. Once the concrete has set, the formwork is dismantled. Concrete Concrete is the material obtained by mixing cement or lime with gravel, sand and water. In order for it to be concrete, it is necessary to […]

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Definition of barrier

A barrier is a physical obstacle that prevents passage or access to a site. It is usually a wooden or metal fence that, depending on the needs, is raised or lowered to allow or prevent passage. The difference between a barrier and a fence, wire fence or fence is that the barrier is a […]

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Definition of audible

The term audible comes from the late Latin audibĭlis. It is an adjective used to describe something that can be heard. Audible, therefore, can be perceived through the ear. In other words, an audible sound has a frequency that can be detected by the human ear. […]

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