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Definition of box

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognises almost thirty meanings of the term box. The concept comes from the Latin word capsa. The first meaning recorded refers to the container that usually has a lid and that allows the storage or transport of elements inside. The lid in question is […]

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Definition of filming

Filming is the act and result of filming. This verb (to film) can be used to refer to capturing and recording images on tape or to working on a film as a director or actor. The idea of ​​filming, therefore, can be used in different ways. It is common for the concept to be used in reference to […]

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Definition of axis

The term axis, which comes from a Latin word that can be translated as “axis”, is used in different ways in our language. However, the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes only one meaning. The meaning given by the RAE indicates that axis refers to one of the cervical vertebrae. Specifically, it refers to the vertebral column […]

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Definition of stereo

Stereo is the abbreviation for stereophony or stereophonic. Stereophony is the technique that allows a sound to be recorded simultaneously from two or more places that are at a certain distance; in this way, when the sound in question is reproduced, an acoustic relief is perceived. Stereophonic, meanwhile, is that linked to […]

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Definition of sewer

The term sewer arose as a diminutive of alcántara. According to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), alcántara is the trunk-like box that is used in a velvet loom to store the fabric that is being woven. The notion of sewer, however, has nothing to do with […]

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Definition of briquette

The Middle Dutch word brick led to the development of the French word briquette. This is the closest etymological antecedent of briquette, a term that refers to a block of charcoal or other biofuel. Briquettes are usually produced by conglomeration. The action of conglomerating or agglomerating, meanwhile, refers to the joining of multiple fragments […]

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Definition of pitch

The notion of pitch can refer to different substances. The first meaning of the term mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to a viscous substance generated from the distillation of wood from various conifers placed on fire. The idea of ​​distillation, in turn, indicates the process that […]

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Definition of acetylene

Acetylene is a concept that comes from the French acétylène. This word, in turn, is formed by acétyle (which can be translated as “acetyl”) and -ène (the ending “-ene”). As you can see, it is possible to learn more about the idea of ​​acetylene by analyzing its etymological components. Acetyl is the radical that corresponds to acetic acid; a […]

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Definition of winch

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) indicates that the etymology of the term capstan is uncertain. The publication suggests that the concept is possibly linked to the Occitan word cabestran. A capstan is a winch: a simple machine equipped with a cylinder that, thanks to wheels, cranks or levers, rotates around its axis […]

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Definition of charger

The term loader can be used as an adjective or as a noun. In the first case, it is used to describe someone or something that loads. Load, in turn, is the act and result of loading. This verb (load) has multiple meanings, and can refer to placing a weight on something or someone; introducing a […]

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