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Definition of foam rubber

Foam rubber is the name of an industrial product that, according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary, can also be called foam rubber (that is, separating the terms rubber and foam). Before focusing on the definition itself, it is interesting to note that rubber is a viscous substance that […]

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Definition of baby bottle

The term baby bottle, which has its etymological origin in the French language, refers to a container equipped with a nipple that is used for artificial breastfeeding. Depending on the country, this utensil is also called a baby bottle, a bottle-feeding bottle, a baby-sitter or a pacifier, all concepts accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its […]

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Definition of equalize

Equalizing is a verb that comes from the English expression to equalize, which can be translated as “equalize.” The action of equalizing consists of modifying the reproduction frequencies of the sound or other type of signal, always within the framework of certain values. The system that allows equalizing is known as an equalizer. It can be a […]

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Definition of spectrometer

Spectrometer is a concept formed by the noun spectrum and the compositional element ‒́meter. The term refers to the device used to analyze how the light emitted by a source is formed, according to what is indicated by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. It is important to mention that, in the […]

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Definition of equalizer

An equalizer is a system that allows the equalization of a signal. It can be a physical device or a computer program. Before moving forward, it is important to mention that equalizing is the action carried out when making an adjustment to the reproduction frequencies of the sound or another signal within a […]

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Definition of hitch

Hook is a term with several uses depending on the context. The first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to the act and result of hooking or being hooked. The verb to hook can also be used in multiple ways. The action can consist of catching or hanging an element, with or without […]

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Definition of solenoid valve

The term solenoid valve is used in the field of mechanics. The term refers to a valve that operates thanks to an electromagnet and that allows the control of a pneumatic or hydraulic circuit. To understand what a solenoid valve is, as you can see, you have to pay attention to several concepts. Let’s start with the […]

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Definition of extension cord

Extension cord is a term that can be used as an adjective or as a noun. In both cases, the concept is associated with the verb to extend: to prolong, stretch or extend something. That which lengthens, therefore, can be described as an extension cord. The device or utensil used to lengthen is also referred to as an extension cord. Electric extension cord It is […]

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Definition of tree pit

When reviewing the etymology of alcorque, we find that the closest antecedent of the term is alqúrq, a word from Hispanic Arabic. This word, in turn, comes from the Aramaic qurqā or qarqā. The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes two meanings of alcorque, one linked to footwear and another to botany. In addition, […]

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Definition of streetlight

The term streetlamp refers to a large lantern. It usually has different arms with their respective lights, which are used to illuminate public spaces such as streets and squares. To understand what a streetlamp is, you must first focus on the idea of ​​a lantern. The term refers to a lantern that is […]

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