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Definition of ballast

Ballast is a term that, according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), is used as a synonym for ballast, which comes from the English word ballast (translatable as “ballast”). These concepts refer to a layer of crushed stone or gravel that is usually placed on roads before laying the pavement and on the […]

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Definition of delete

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes six meanings of the term to eliminate. The use of this verb, which comes from the Latin word elimināre, varies according to the context. In general, to eliminate refers to removing, excluding or annulling something. The action can be carried out in multiple areas and with different scopes. […]

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Definition of equipment

The concept of equipment refers to the act and result of equipping: giving someone what they need to carry out an action or providing something with the elements it requires for its operation. We can find the notion of equipment in multiple areas. The scope of the term, of course, varies according to the context. The […]

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Definition of packaging

The act and result of packaging is known as packing. The verb to pack, meanwhile, refers to making packages or putting something inside them. A package, in turn, is a wrapper that protects an object or brings together several elements of the same or different kind. If we talk about […]

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Definition of exoskeleton

The notion of exoskeleton is used in the field of zoology. It is formed by the compositional element exo- (which refers to what is on the outside or outside) and the noun skeleton (referring to the set of resistant and solid pieces that, articulated together, protect the organs and provide stability and firmness […]

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Definition of spit

The concept of espito refers to a spit. The term espitón refers to a long, thin piece of iron. Specifically, the idea refers to a specific spit: the rotisserie, which is the rod that ends in a point where the food to be roasted is stuck. By extension, the term espito is used to refer to a […]

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Definition of record player

A record player is a device that allows the reproduction of sound or musical records. The device has a rotating platter, on which the record is placed, and has a pickup system that is connected to a speaker. It is important to mention that the records played by a record player are vinyl records: […]

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Definition of aviation

Aviation is a term that comes from the French word aviation, which in turn is derived from the Latin avis (which can be translated as “bird”). This is the name given to air transport carried out by vehicles that are heavier than air. The idea of ​​aviation, therefore, is linked to the […]

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Definition of battering ram

Ariete is a term with several uses. Its etymology leads us to the Latin word aries, which can be translated as “ram”. The name ariete refers to a machine for military use that, in ancient times, was used to knock down walls and doors. The ram had a long and heavy beam that, in one of its […]

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Definition of record

The term “engrave” has its etymological origin in the French word graver. The concept can be used in different ways depending on the context. The first meaning of “engrave” mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary refers to the action of carving or producing, through incisions, in relief or hollow, a piece of wood […]

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