

Latest articles in Technology

Definition of network

From the Latin rete, the term network is used to define a structure that has a characteristic pattern. There are multiple types of networks, such as computer networks, electrical networks, and social networks. The computer network names the set of computers and other interconnected equipment that share information, resources and services. You can […]

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Definition of computing

The term computer science comes from the French informatique, implemented by engineer Philippe Dreyfus in the early 1960s. The word is, in turn, an acronym of information and automatique. In this way, computing refers to the automatic processing of information using electronic devices and computer systems. Computer systems must have […]

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Definition of email

Electronic mail (also known as e-mail, an English term derived from electronic mail) is a service that allows the exchange of messages through electronic communication systems. The concept is mainly used to name the system that provides this service via the Internet through the SMTP (Simple Mail Transfer Protocol) protocol, but also […]

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Definition of technology

Technology is the application of a set of knowledge and skills with the aim of achieving a solution that allows human beings to go from solving a specific problem to satisfying a need in a specific area. Starting from this meaning we find that within the concept a wide […]

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Definition of power

When defining the term at hand, the first thing we have to do is determine its etymological origin. Specifically, to find it we have to go to Latin because there it resides, more specifically it is located in the word potentĭa. Power is the amount of work done per unit of time. […]

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Definition of energy

Energy is the ability to generate movement or achieve the transformation of something. In the economic and technological field, the term refers to a natural resource and the associated elements that allow industrial use of it. For example: "The country has serious energy problems due to lack of investments," […]

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Project definition

A project is a set of activities carried out by a person or an entity to achieve a certain objective. These activities are interrelated and are developed in a coordinated manner. The term project comes from the Latin proiectus. For example: «My project for this year is to improve my level of English», «At this moment I am involved […]

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Definition of computer

The computer, that indispensable piece of equipment in today's daily life that is also known by the name of computer, is an electronic machine that allows you to process and accumulate data. The term comes from the Latin computare ("to calculate"). If we look for the exact definition of the term computer we will find that it is a […]

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Hardware Definition

Hardware is the set of components that make up the material (physical) part of a computer, unlike software which refers to the logical (intangible) components. However, the concept is usually understood more broadly and is used to name all the physical components of a technology. The etymological origin […]

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Definition of software

Software is a set of programs, instructions and computer rules that allow different tasks to be executed on a computer. It is a word that comes from the English language but, thanks to widespread use, has been accepted by the Royal Spanish Academy. Software is considered to be the logical equipment and […]

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