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Data model definition

A data model is an abstract structure that documents and organizes information for communication between technical department personnel and the rest of the employees, according to the meaning of the concept in the business world. In computing, it differs in terms of its approach, which focuses on […]

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Definition of bitmap

Some concepts may be known by different names, especially if the names of other languages ​​are accepted. That is what happens with the notion of bitmap, which is also mentioned as bitmap, pixmap, matrix image or raster image. The idea of ​​raster comes from the Latin rastrum (“rake”), which in turn derives from […]

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Definition of voltage

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) defines voltage as the amount of volts that act on a device or an electrical system. In this way, voltage, which is also known as tension or potential difference, is the pressure that a source of electrical energy or electromotive force […]

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Definition of instrumentation

Instrumentation is the process and result of instrumenting. This verb refers to locating, arranging or arranging certain instruments, to having the scores of a certain musical work for the instruments that will play it, or to ordering or developing something. For example: «Please have the operating room instrumentation ready in […]

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Definition of technical report

The first step to proceed with the analysis of the term that concerns us now, technical report, is to establish the etymological origin of the two words that make it up. In this way, we can establish that informe emanates from Latin and specifically from the verb informare which can be translated as “to provide form.” While the second word of the aforementioned […]

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Definition of graphs

A graph is a unitary object of an abstract nature that encompasses the graphs that make up a letter, according to what linguistics indicates about this concept. The word has Greek origin and means “image” or “drawing.” It is very important to determine, before moving forward with the analysis of the term graphs, the origin […]

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Definition of design

From the Italian disegno, the word design refers to a sketch, sketch or scheme that is made, either mentally or on a material support, before the production of something is finalized. The term is also used to refer to the appearance of certain products in terms of their lines, shape and functionalities. For example: […]

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Definition of html

HTML is a markup language used for the development of Internet pages. This is the acronym that corresponds to HyperText Markup Language, that is, Hypertext Markup Language, which could be translated as Document Format Language for Hypertext. It is an open format that emerged from […]

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Definition of circuit

Originating from the Latin term circuitus, the word circuit can be used to name the land that has been located within a certain perimeter. Of course, the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) also details other meanings: a circuit is a route that is made in a closed curve and that is established for the development [...]

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Definition of battery

Battery is a term that has various uses and meanings that are very different from each other. The electric battery, for example, is a device that accumulates energy through electrochemical processes. This type of batteries, also known as accumulators, work as secondary electricity generators since their operation depends on a previous electrical charge. Between […]

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