

Latest articles in Technology

Definition of bot

Bot is a term that has its origin in the English language. It is the shortening of robot, a concept referring to a machine that, based on its programming, is capable of carrying out different tasks. Another use of robot appears in computing, where it is linked to the program that can perform […]

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Definition of fake news

Fake news is an English expression that can be translated as “false news”. Although this translation is valid, and even recommended by the Fundación del Español Urgente – FundéuRAE, it is common to use the English concept in our language. Before moving forward with the definition, it is important to indicate that news is […]

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Definition of nerf

The notion of nerfing is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The term is used in the field of video games to refer to a reduction in the skills or power of a character or an object. The concept is used in Internet slang, more precisely in the […]

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Definition of streaming

Streaming is an English term that, despite not being part of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) dictionary, is frequently used in our language. It is used in the field of the Internet to refer to a transmission that is carried out live from the source to the user. When […]

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Definition of LOL

LOL is an acronym that refers to laugh out loud or laughing out loud, which can be translated as “laughing/laughing for a long time” or “laughing/laughing loudly”. Therefore, when a person writes LOL in a chat, they are indicating that they are laughing out loud. It is common that, in conversations via electronic messaging, someone uses […]

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Definition of P2W

P2W is an expression that comes from the English expression pay to win, which can be translated as “pay to win”. The concept is part of the jargon used in the field of video games. The idea of ​​P2W is linked to the distribution model known as F2P: free to play.

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Definition of F2P

F2P is a term that refers to the English expression free to play (i.e. “free to play”). It is a model of video game distribution that allows players to enjoy the content without having to pay. Generally, the F2P model is understood in opposition to pay to play, which is a model that allows players to play the game without having to pay.

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Definition of self-publishing

The concept of self-publishing is used to refer to the act and result of self-publishing. This verb (self-publish), in turn, refers to the process that a person carries out to take charge of the design and printing of a publication using a computer, obtaining a result similar to that offered by publishers. Known in Spanish as self-publishing, self-publishing is a form of publishing that is […]

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Definition of turpentine

The etymological origin of the term turpentine is not clearly known. Specialists believe that it could come from the Latin expression aqua rasis, which can be translated as “water from the pitch”. It is important to mention that pitch is a resinous product generated from turpentine. When pitch is mixed with water, it is […]

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Definition of photocopy

Photocopy is a concept in which two parts can be recognized: the compositional element photo- and the noun copy. Photo- refers to something related to light, while a copy is a faithful reproduction of something. In this context, a photocopy is the photographic reproduction that is developed directly on a […]

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