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Definition of issuer

Emitter (from Latin emissor) is a term that can refer to different types of words. As an adjective and noun (according to how the term is used), it serves to refer to one or those entities that are responsible for connecting with another point to emit a signal. As a verb, it means to express an opinion or […]

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Definition of electronics

We must go back to Greek to know the etymological origin of the word electronic. Specifically, we can determine that it comes from the union of two clearly differentiated lexical parts: elektron, which translates as "amber" and the suffix -iko, which means "relative to." The analysis of electrons and […] is known as electronics.

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Definition of electricity

Electricity is a term that has its etymological origin in the elektron, translatable as "amber." Starting from this word, the person who coined the concept was the English scientist William Gilbert. In the 16th century, Gilbert spoke of "electric" to mention the phenomena of attractive charges that the Greeks had already discovered. Electricity is a […]

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Definition of ductility

Ductility is the quality of ductile. This adjective can refer to something accommodating, accommodating, that admits large mechanical deformations or that can be mechanically extended with wires or threads. Ductility is the property of those materials that, under the action of a force, can deform without breaking. These materials, such as […]

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Definition of hardness

Hardness is the quality of hard. The term comes from the Latin duritĭa. For example: "The hardness of this mattress is quite annoying", "Leather pants have a very particular hardness that makes them somewhat uncomfortable." Hardness is also a callus or tumor that can appear in different parts of the body: «My elbows have […]

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Definition of range

Rank is a category that can be applied to a person based on their professional situation or social status. For example: "We have to respect the rank of the superior when making a request", "Address me without forgetting your rank or you will be sanctioned." The concept can also refer to the level […]

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Definition of domain

From the Latin dominĭum, dominion is the power or capacity that a person has to control others or to make use of their own. The concept can be associated with power or authority. For example: "The computer is part of my domain in this house", "Ricardo has already lost the domain […]

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Data Definition

From the Latin datum ("what is given"), a piece of information is a document, information or testimony that allows us to gain knowledge of something or deduce the legitimate consequences of a fact. For example: "We have discovered the murderer thanks to the information provided by a witness." It is important to keep in mind that the data does not […]

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Definition of clone

A clone is a concept that refers to the group of organisms or cells that are identical from a genetic point of view and that originate through asexual reproduction. Cloning, according to theoretical data, is a technique that makes this reproduction possible based on cells […]

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Definition of computing center

A computer center, data processing center, data center or data center is an entity, office or department that is responsible for the processing of data and information in a systematic manner. The processing is carried out with the use of computers that are equipped with the necessary hardware and software to […]

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