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Definition of kilobyte

The term kilobyte does not appear in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) although its use is widespread in the field of computing. It is a unit of information storage, symbolized as kB or KB, which has different equivalences depending on its use. There are, in the same way, another series of measures […]

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Definition of ip

IP is the acronym for Internet Protocol or, in our language, Internet Protocol. It is a standard that is used for sending and receiving information through a network that brings together switched packets. The IP does not have the possibility of confirming whether a data packet reached its destination. This […]

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Image definition

The concept of image has its origin in the Latin imāgo and allows us to describe the figure, representation, likeness, aspect or appearance of a certain thing. To give some concrete examples: “This image represents the fall of the Berlin Wall”, “You are the spitting image of your father”, “I need an image to illustrate my idea”. Says […]

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Definition of lighting

Illumination, from the Latin illuminatio, is the action and effect of illuminating. This verb refers to illuminating or giving light and always requires a direct object, something or someone to whom it can provide clarity. Lighting is known, therefore, as the set of lights that is installed in a certain place with […]

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Definition of habeas data

Habeas data is the legal resource available to every individual that allows access to an information bank or data record that includes informative references about himself. The subject has the right to demand that part or all of the data be corrected in the event that they generate some type […]

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Definition of gigabyte

Gigabyte is a unit of measurement that is symbolized as GB and that can have different equivalences according to its use. The term is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) but it is very common in computing. Specifically, we can establish that the gigabyte is equivalent to 10 to the power of 9 […]

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Definition of firmware

The set of instructions of a computer program that is registered in a ROM, flash or similar memory is known as firmware. These instructions establish the primary logic that controls the circuits of some type of device. This term has its origins in the 1960s. More precisely […]

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Definition of metric

Originating in the Latin metrĭcus, the concept of metric allows us to describe that which belongs to or is related to the meter. This can, in turn, refer to the unit of length of the International System or the measurement that a verse has. In the first case cited we can establish that said […]

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Definition of Excel

Excel is a computer program developed and distributed by Microsoft Corp. It is software that allows you to perform accounting and financial tasks thanks to its functions, developed specifically to help create and work with spreadsheets. Microsoft's first foray into the world of spreadsheets (which allow you to manipulate […]

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Definition of input devices

An input device is a piece of equipment or a component that allows information to be entered into a processing unit. It should be noted that, in the field of computing, an input is a series of data that is received by a certain system for subsequent processing. This concept always appears linked to the exit, which means […]

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