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Definition of potential energy

Potential energy is the ability of a body to develop an action according to how the system of bodies that exert forces on each other is configured. In other words, potential energy is the energy that is capable of generating work as a result of the position of the body. From the point […]

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Definition of pixel

The concept of pixel has its origin in the English word pixel and emerged as an acronym between the terms pix (a colloquial expression that refers to picture, “image”) and element (translated into Spanish as “element”). The notion is used in the computer field to indicate the smallest homogeneous surface that is part of an image. […]

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Definition of petrochemical

Petrochemistry is the science and technique that corresponds to petroleum chemistry, the industry that uses oil and natural gas as raw materials for the development of numerous chemical products. Petrochemistry, therefore, provides the knowledge and mechanisms for the extraction of chemical substances from fossil fuels. The […]

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Definition of pavement

From the Latin pavimentum, the pavement is the layer or base that constitutes the floor of a construction or a non-natural surface. The pavement functions as support for living beings and things. It is important to keep in mind that the pavement can be covered with different materials, such as stones or wood. The term, […]

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Parameter definition

A parameter is known as the data that is considered essential and indicative in order to evaluate or assess a certain situation. From a parameter, a certain circumstance can be understood or placed in perspective. To give some concrete examples: “If we base ourselves on the usual parameters, it will be impossible to understand this situation”, “The patient is […]

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Definition of web page

A document that is part of a website and that usually has links (also known as hyperlinks or links) to facilitate navigation between the contents is known as a web page. Web pages are developed with markup languages ​​such as HTML, which can be interpreted by browsers. In this way, […]

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Definition of outlook

Outlook is a word that belongs to the English language and can be translated as “forecast” or “outlook.” Its use in the Spanish language, however, is associated with two computer programs developed by Microsoft Corp. Microsoft Outlook is an office software and email client that is part of the Microsoft Office package. Can […]

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Definition of optimization

Optimization is the action and effect of optimizing. This verb refers to finding the best way to carry out an activity. The term is widely used in the field of computing. Software optimization seeks to adapt computer programs so that they perform their tasks in the most efficient way possible. There are virtually infinite […]

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Definition of operator

The term operator, whose origin is found in the Latin word operātor (“he who does”), has several uses and meanings. It is used, for example, to name the subject who is in charge of carrying out communications that are not automatic from a telephone exchange or the expert who controls technical devices: “I am waiting for the visit […]

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Definition of optics

Optics is the branch of physics that analyzes the characteristics and properties of light, studying how it behaves and manifests itself. Reflection (the modification that occurs in the direction of a ray on the surface that separates two media, which causes it to return to the starting point), […]

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