

Latest articles in Technology

Definition of transistor

A transistor is a semiconductor used for rectification and amplification of electrical impulses. It has at least three electrodes and is characterized by its ability to tolerate currents of a certain intensity while operating at low voltages. The etymology of transistor leads us to the English word transistor, which is an acronym for transistor.

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OSI model definition

The concept of model comes from the Italian modelo, which comes from the vulgar Latin modellus (which is the diminutive of the Latin modŭlus, translatable as “measure”). The term can refer to an example, archetype or prototype that functions as a reference for its reproduction or imitation. The scheme of a certain reality is also called a model […]

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Definition of digital citizenship

Digital citizenship is a concept that does not have an exact or precise definition. The notion is linked to access to information and communication technologies (ICT) to generate, receive and exchange information online; develop online skills and abilities; and participate in political and social life through the use of the Internet. […]

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Definition of artificial satellite

Originating from the Latin word satelles, satellite is a term with several meanings. The first meaning mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to the celestial body that orbits around a planet and whose brightness is produced by reflecting sunlight. Artificial, on the other hand, is that which […]

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Definition of genetic engineering

The idea of ​​engineering refers to the knowledge that aims at the development and application of techniques that allow the implementation of industrial processes or the exploitation of natural resources. Engineers use scientific principles to design and manufacture different types of structures and […]

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Definition of digital privacy

The idea of ​​privacy refers to the condition of private: that which is personal and particular to a subject. Private is part of the individual or family sphere, so it does not belong to the public sphere. Digital, meanwhile, is an adjective that qualifies the system or device that stores, transmits or presents information […]

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Definition of isolated system

The Greek word sýstēma came into Late Latin as systēma. This is the closest etymological antecedent of system, a term that has several uses. A system can be defined as a set of elements that are interrelated and that work together. The notion can also refer to a series of linked principles that […]

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Definition of modern physics

Physics is the science dedicated to the analysis of the properties of energy and matter, emphasizing the link between the two. The term comes from the Latin word physicus. The adjective modern, meanwhile, refers to that which is linked to the present time or a recent period. It is usual that […]

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Definition of shoring

The first meaning of “prop” given by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to placing props. A prop, meanwhile, is a piece of wood that is used as support. It is important to note that prop is also used symbolically. The term, thus, can refer to supporting, sustaining or securing, […]

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Definition of farming

In the field of video games, it is common to use English words, even in Spanish-speaking countries. In fact, players are known as gamers. Thus, we can find concepts such as farmear. This is the adaptation of the word farming, which can be translated as “agriculture”. Its common use, however, is somewhat different from […]

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