

Latest articles in Technology

Definition of ultrasound

Ultrasound is a sound wave whose frequency exceeds the limit perceptible by the human ear (that is, the sound cannot be captured by people since it is located around the 20,000 Hz spectrum). There are multiple applications of ultrasound. At an industrial level, it allows measuring distances or developing non-destructive tests, for […]

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Definition of location

The first thing we are going to do, before entering fully into the analysis of the meaning of the term location, is to proceed to determine the etymological origin of the word. This is how we can discover that it emanates from Latin and more precisely from the adverb ubi, which can be translated as “where.” Location is the place […]

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Definition of Ubuntu

Ubuntu is a South African philosophy linked to loyalty and solidarity. The term comes from the Zulu and Xhosa languages ​​and can be translated as "humanity towards others" or "I am because we are." Truth and reconciliation are other values ​​and principles that are closely related to this African philosophy. […]

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Definition of USB

USB is the acronym for Universal Serial Bus (Universal Serial Bus, in Spanish). It is a computer science concept to name the port that allows peripherals to be connected to a computer. The creation of USB dates back to 1996, when a group of seven companies (including IBM, Intel and […]

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Definition of URL

URL is an acronym for Uniform Resource Locator. This is the sequence of characters that follows a standard and that allows resources to be named within the Internet environment so that they can be located. Text documents, photographs and audios, among other types of […]

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Definition of tube

A tube is a hollow piece that is usually cylindrical in shape and is usually open at both ends. The union of multiple tubes allows creating a pipe, a conduit that allows the transport of water or another liquid. Tubes, from the Latin tubus, can be made of various materials, according […]

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Definition of Trojan

Trojan is an adjective that refers to that or that belonging to or relating to the ancient city of Troy. The application of the term, which comes from the Latin Troianus, is linked to the legend of the Trojan Horse. It is important to differentiate between historical Troy and legendary Troy. The real city of Troy is […]

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Definition of traceability

Traceability is a term that was recently incorporated into the twenty-third edition of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). For the International Organization of Standardization (ISO), traceability is the property of the result of a standard value, which can be linked to specific references through a continuous sequence of […]

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Definition of transportation

The concept of transportation is used to describe the act and consequence of moving something from one place to another. It also allows us to name those devices or vehicles that serve this purpose, carrying individuals or merchandise from a certain place to another. Some examples where the term may appear may be: «Transportation is […]

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Definition of lathe

A lathe (from the Latin tornus, which in turn comes from a Greek word meaning "turn" or "turn") is a machine composed of a cylinder that rotates around its axis by the action of wheels or levers, and that acts on resistance through a rope that is wound on […]

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