

Latest articles in Technology

Definition of virtual

From the Latin virtus ("strength" or "virtue"), virtual is an adjective that, in its original sense, refers to that which has the virtue to produce an effect, even though it does not produce it in the present. The concept, in any case, is currently associated with what has apparent existence, as opposed to what is real or physical. This […]

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Definition of vinyl

Vinyl is a term used in chemistry to name the unsaturated monovalent functional group and the substance that contains this functional group (usually a polymer with a leather-like consistency). The concept is also used to refer to the vinyl phonograph record, also known as a gramophone record or, simply, […]

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Definition of surveillance

Vigilance is the care and supervision of the things one is in charge of. The person who must be in charge of monitoring something or someone has responsibility for the subject or thing in question. For example: “My parents asked me to take care of my little brother […]

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Definition of road

A road is a place through which one circulates or moves. The way, in this sense, is a path. Before analyzing the term in depth, we are going to discover its etymological origin. In this sense we can state that the concept comes from Latin, and specifically from the word via which can be translated precisely […]

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Definition of glass

Glass is a very hard material but, at the same time, is very fragile. It is inorganic, lacks a crystalline structure and usually allows light to pass through. To obtain glass (a term from the Latin vitrĕum), it is necessary to fuse limestone, silica sand and sodium carbonate and mold the mixture at a high temperature. […]

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Definition of ventilation

Ventilation is a term that describes the act and consequence of ventilating something or someone or ventilating oneself (that is, letting air penetrate the body or circulating it in some environment). The word, originating from the Latin ventilatio, is also used to identify the air currents that […]

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Definition of usability

Usability is a word that does not make up the official dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). However, it is very common within the field of computing as well as technology. The concept comes from the English usability and refers to the ease with which a user can use a tool manufactured by others […]

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Definition of user manual

A manual is a publication that includes the fundamental aspects of a subject. It is a guide that helps you understand how something works, or that educates its readers about a topic in an orderly and concise way. A user is, on the other hand, the person who ordinarily uses something or […]

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Definition of use

From the Latin usus, the term use refers to the action and effect of using (making something useful for something, executing or practicing something habitually). For example: "I have to use the bicycle more often: I am getting too used to the comfort of the car", "The use of the dictionary during the exam is strictly prohibited", "The […]

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User Definition

A user is someone who ordinarily uses something, according to the definition offered by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The term, which comes from the Latin usuarius, refers to the person who uses some type of object or who is the recipient of a service, whether private or public. For example: “The […]

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