

Latest articles in Technology

Definition of modulation

From the Latin modulatio, the term modulation is related to the fact and consequences of modulating. This verb has several applications and uses, such as altering the properties of a sound, changing the factors that influence a procedure to achieve different results, leaving one tonality to appeal to another or modifying the value of a […]

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Definition of road

The highway is a paved public road that is arranged for vehicle traffic. In general, these are wide roads that allow fluid circulation. For example: “Excuse me, sir… I want to get to San Camilo beach: which road should I take?”, “Tourists have complained about the poor state of […]

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Definition of components

Component is that which is part of the composition of a whole. These are elements that, through some type of association or contiguity, give rise to a uniform set. For example: “A small motor, a clock and an electronic mechanism are the components of this device”, “The main components of the match are […]

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Definition of laboratory

A laboratory is a place that is equipped with the necessary means to carry out experiments, research or work of a scientific or technical nature. In these spaces, the environmental conditions are controlled and normalized to prevent influences other than those expected from occurring, with the consequent alteration of the measurements, and […]

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Definition of application

Application is a term that comes from the Latin word applicatĭo and refers to the action and effect of applying or applying (putting something on something else, using or executing something, attributing). For example: “I have to give myself a new application of the vaccine before traveling to Africa”, “The application will be by […]

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Definition of tank

Tank is a term used to describe combat tanks or armored attack vehicles. The concept comes from the English tank, which was a code name created by the British when, in 1915, they built the first of these tanks. Tanks can be wheel driven or tracked.

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Definition of massive

From the French massif, massive is that which is applied in large quantities. The concept also allows us to name what belongs to or is relative to human masses. For example: "The company announced massive layoffs that will leave thousands of people on the streets", "The official was forced to face a massive claim from […]

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Definition of concrete

From the Latin concrētus, concrete is an adjective that refers to something solid, material or compact. The term is usually opposed to the general or abstract, since it refers to something determined and precise. For example: “I don't want any more excuses, I need a concrete answer”, “I told him my ideas but he asked me for a project […]

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Definition of binoculars

Binocular refers to that which demands the attention of both eyes at the same time. When analyzing the term, one discovers that it is a compound word that results from the union of two Latin words: binus (translated into Spanish as “double”) and ocularis (interpreted as “ocular”). The term is intended for the […]

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Definition of online

Online is an English word that means "online." The concept is used in the field of computing to name something that is connected or someone who is using a network (generally, the Internet). The information is said to be online or online, therefore, when it is available […]

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