

Latest articles in Technology

Definition of artifact

Artifact is a term that has its origin in the Latin expression arte factus, which means "made with art." That is why the first meaning that the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) recognizes of the term refers to the mechanical work made according to art. In everyday language, an artifact is a machine or device created […]

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Definition of repair

The first step that must be taken in order to fully discover the word reparation is to proceed to determine its etymological origin. In this sense, we can make it clear that it emanates from Latin, and specifically from the word reparatio. Repair is the action and effect of repairing objects that do not work correctly or that […]

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Definition of controller

Controller is the person who controls (regulates, commands, organizes), according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The term has various uses according to the context. For example: "The traffic controller fined me for speeding", "The government has appointed a new controller who will be in charge of regulating the energy sector." Controller […]

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Definition of audiovisual

Audiovisual is an adjective that refers jointly to hearing and sight. Audiovisual content, therefore, uses both senses at the same time. On the other hand, the term can also be used as a noun. The most frequent use of the concept is linked to the content dissemination format that uses images […]

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Definition of file

Expedient is a term originating from the Latin word expedĭens, which comes from expedīre (“to give course”, “to agree”). The concept has various uses and meanings according to the context. A file is the set of documents that correspond to a specific issue. It may also be a series of judicial procedures or […]

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Definition of paper

Paper is a thin sheet that is made from plant fiber pulp. The Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) attributes the etymological origin of the term to the Catalan word paper which, in turn, would derive from the Latin papyrus. The fibers used, which may come from wood, straw or other sources, are ground, bleached and […]

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Definition of trash can

The trash can is the container used to throw useless papers and other waste. This object, which can be found in closed spaces (such as an office or a house) and open spaces (a square, a park), is also known as a basket or trash can. It is common for litter bins to be located in […]

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Definition of extension

From the Latin extensĭo, extension is the action and effect of extending or extending (making something take up more space, spreading or spilling what is together, unfolding, unwrapping). The term can be used to name the measure of space that a body occupies and the ability to occupy a part of the space. For example: […]

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Definition of aerial

Aerial is an adjective that has its origin in the Latin word aereus and that refers to that belonging to or related to the air. By extension, the term is used to name what is linked to aviation. Air transport is the controlled movement, through the air, of vehicles powered by […]

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Definition of airport

An airport is a station or terminal located on flat land that has runways, facilities and services for aircraft traffic. Airports allow passenger or cargo aircraft to take off and land, in addition to providing fuel and maintenance. The most important airports have several paved runways of […]

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