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Definition of nuclear power plant

A nuclear power plant is an industrial facility that generates electrical energy from nuclear energy. It usually operates using fissile material that, through nuclear reactions, acts as fuel and provides heat for the movement of alternators that convert mechanical work into electrical energy. It should be noted that […]

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Definition of industrial plants

The notion of a plant is associated with an organic being that lives and grows, but does not have the ability to move from one place to another by voluntary impulse. The term, however, has other uses: a plant can be the design of a building (or each of its floors), the lower part of a building, or the […]

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Definition of hydroelectric power plant

A hydroelectric power plant is a facility that uses hydraulic energy sources to generate electricity. It is made up of a series of fundamental facilities such as the dam, water intakes, spillways, the powerhouse and hydraulic turbines. To understand the concept, as you can see, you must first pay attention to the […]

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Definition of central

Central is that which belongs to or relates to the center. We must go back to Latin, symbolically speaking, to find the etymological origin of the term. In doing so, we discover that it comes from the word centralis, which is made up of two components: the noun centrum, which is synonymous with “center,” and the suffix -al, which is equivalent to […]

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Definition of construction

From the Latin constructĭo, construction is the action and effect of building. This verb refers to building, manufacturing or developing a work of engineering or architecture. For example: “The construction of the new theater is very advanced”, “The collapse was caused by faults in the construction process”, “The architect Jacobacci announced the construction of […]

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Definition of chat

Chat is a term that has been part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) since the twenty-third edition. It is widely used in our language as it allows us to refer to written communication that takes place in real time over the Internet. In order to find the etymological origin of the term that is now […]

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Definition of stopwatch

In Greek. This is the language where the etymological origin of the word we now want to analyze in depth is found: chronometer. And it is made up of two Greek components: • Chronos, which was the name of the Greek god of time. • Metron, which can be translated as “measure”. What is […]

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Definition of schedule

In order to fully understand the meaning of the term in question, chronogram, it is important that, first of all, we proceed to establish its etymological origin. In doing so, we discover that it comes from Greek, since it is made up of two words that are: the noun “chronos”, which can be translated as “time”, and the word […]

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Definition of call center

Call center is an English term that can be translated as a call center. It is an office where a group of specifically trained people are in charge of providing some type of telephone service or attention. Call center workers can make calls (to try to sell a product or service) or send them to a customer service center.

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Definition of Messenger

Messenger is the popular name for the Windows Live Messenger computer program. This software, created by Microsoft, allowed instant communication between two or more users. For example: «Connect to Messenger so I can tell you how the interview went», «Yesterday I was talking to Luciana on Messenger», «If you don’t study, […]

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