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Definition of trailer

Towing is the action and result of towing. This verb, meanwhile, is used when a person or a vehicle drags something, whether on land or water. Before moving forward, we are going to proceed to establish the etymological origin of the concept. Thus, we can say that it emanates from the Latin remulcare which, in its […]

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Definition of remote

Remote is an adjective that can be used with two different meanings. On the one hand, the term allows us to refer to that which is at a certain distance, removed or removed. On the other hand, remoteness is something that is implausible or very unlikely to happen. In both cases, the etymological origin is […]

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Definition of railway

A railway is a track created from two rails arranged in parallel that allow the taxiing of a train. The material used to create these rails is usually iron; hence the name railway. The etymological origin of the term emanates from Latin, since it is the result of […]

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Definition of convoy

Convoy is a term originating from the French convoi. The concept is usually used to name the set of vehicles that travel in groups to support each other. For example: “The convoy of trucks crossed the desert in five days”, “The owner of the bar was terrified when he saw how a convoy of motorcyclists […]

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Definition of interception

Interception is a term that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The concept is associated with intercept, a verb that refers to stopping something in its path; interrupt a communication path; or seize something before it reaches its destination. For the RAE, the correct way to refer […]

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Definition of radar

Radar is a term that comes from an English acronym: Radio detecting and ranging. It is a system that, through electromagnetic radiation, allows the location or speed of an object to be detected. The notion of radar is also used to name the device that applies this system. […]

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Definition of weaponry

From the Latin armamentum, armament is a concept that refers to the set of weapons of all types that are at the disposal of a military body. The notion also indicates everything that is necessary for war. For example: «The general is very calm and affirms that we have the necessary weapons to win the […]

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Definition of ping

Ping is an acronym derived from the English expression packet internet groper, which can be translated into Spanish as “network packet finder.” In the computer field, the concept of ping is considered a command or a diagnostic tool that allows you to verify the status of a certain connection […]

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Definition of pin

Pin is a term with various meanings. It may be the small ornament or badge that is pinned to clothing. In this sense, pin is synonymous with brooch. For example: "My mom gave me a Hello Kitty pin", "When I was a kid, I always used Disney character pins on my coat", "The […]

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Definition of broadband

Broadband is a concept used in the field of telecommunications referring to the transmission of symmetrical data that allows various information packets to be sent simultaneously to increase the effective transmission speed. It should be noted that band is a concept with various meanings. It could be a group of people […]

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