

Latest articles in Technology

Definition of open source

Open source is an expression of the English language that belongs to the field of computing. Although it can be translated as "open source", it is usually used in our language directly in its original version, without its corresponding translation. Therefore, computer programs that allow access to their code are classified as open source […]

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Definition of electromagnetic wave

An electromagnetic wave is the diffusion of radiation of this type through the air. These waves do not require a material support for their expansion, which implies that they can travel in a vacuum. Before entering fully into clarifying the meaning of the term, it is essential to determine the etymological origin of […]

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Definition of pipeline

Pipeline is a concept that comes from two Latin words: olĕum (which can be translated as "oil") and ductus (which means "conduction"). An oil pipeline is a pipe that, equipped with various mechanisms and machines, allows the transfer and conduction of oil and other derived substances across extensive surfaces. The first oil pipelines […]

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Definition of oil

Oil is an English term that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The concept can be translated as “petroleum” or “oil”, depending on the context. Standard Oil, for example, was one of the largest oil companies in the world. Founded in 1870 in the United States, it had to be dismembered into several […]

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Definition of odontogram

An odontogram is a scheme used by dentists to record information about a person's mouth. In this graph, the professional details how many permanent teeth the patient has, which ones have been restored, and other important data. The odontogram, in this way, represents a record of the clinical history […]

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Definition of octane

Octane rating is the amount of octane present in a fuel. To understand the concept, therefore, we must know the meaning of octane and fuel. An octane is a type of hydrocarbon that has 8 carbon atoms. A fuel, for its part, is a combination of different hydrocarbons that is used […]

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Definition of OCR

OCR is the acronym for Optical Character Recognition, an expression in English that can be translated as Optical Character Recognition. The notion is used in computing to name a procedure that allows text to be digitized through a scanner. What OCR makes possible is that, when passing a text through […]

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Definition of die

Die is a term that has several uses. It can be used to name the device whose edges allow marking a paper, cardboard or other material so that it can be cut easily by hand. By extension, objects that can be cut out thanks to this type of design are known as dies. For example: «We have to […]

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Definition of distillation

Distillation is the process and result of distilling. This verb refers to filtering or causing a liquid to drip, or to achieving the separation of one component from others through the application of heat. For example: «The distillation of whiskey began to develop at the end of the 15th century», «In the […]

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Definition of technical support

The notion of support is used to name something that provides support, which can be physical or symbolic. The technical, on the other hand, is associated with that which is applied in science or an artistic discipline. Technical support, therefore, is assistance that companies provide so that their […]

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