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Definition of PVC

PVC is the name given to polyvinyl chloride, a plastic that is produced by polymerizing the monomer chloroethylene (also known as vinyl chloride). The components of PVC are derived from sodium chloride and natural gas or petroleum, and include chlorine, hydrogen and carbon. In […]

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Definition of strut

A prop is a term that is used in different ways. It can refer to the element that is placed, usually in the form of an inclined plane, to prop up a wall that is at risk of falling. For example: “I don’t think the prop will last for long: we must speed up the evacuation of the building if we want to avoid […]

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Definition of pointer

Pointer is a concept that is used in different ways depending on the context and the geographic region. It can be the instrument that is used to point at something on a screen, a blackboard, a map or another surface. What a pointer allows is for the observer to focus his attention on what is being pointed at.

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Definition of puncture

Puncture is a word whose etymological root is found in the Latin punctĭo. This word, in turn, derives from the verb pungere, which can be translated as “to prick” or “to puncture”. The idea of ​​puncture is often used in medicine to name the practice that consists of introducing a needle or a similar instrument into […]

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Definition of tip

Punta is a term that comes from the Latin word puncta. The concept has several uses, usually associated with the extreme of something. For example: «When it is very cold, the tip of my nose turns red», «The little boy hit his head on the edge of the table and hurt himself», «The […]

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Definition of spraying

Pulverization is the process of spraying and the result of spraying. The verb to spray, which comes from the Latin word pulverizāre, refers to diffusing a liquid substance into tiny particles or turning something into powder. Symbolically, to spray is to destroy something. For example: «The button that enables spraying of the deodorant does not work […]

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Definition of point of sale

Point is a term with multiple meanings: in this case, we are interested in its meaning as a physical place or site. Sale, on the other hand, is the process and result of selling (handing over ownership of a good to another subject, who will pay a certain, previously agreed price to keep the product in question). […]

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Definition of punch

A punch is a pointed tool used to create dies, holes or pits on a surface. Depending on their characteristics and materials, punches can be used to perform different types of work. Using a punch is very simple: you just have to press its tip on the surface you want to punch.

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Definition of polishing

Polishing is the exercise and result of polishing, a verb that refers to polishing and smoothing something; or to beautifying, decorating or optimizing something. The term comes from the Latin word politus. For example: «I'm about to finish the table: I just need to polish the wood», «The teacher helped me with the polishing […]

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Definition of inch

Inch is a term derived from the word thumb. The concept is used to name a type of measurement whose value has changed throughout history. In its original sense, the inch was equivalent to the width of the first phalanx of the thumb of the hand. For logical reasons, the inch is not […]

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