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Definition of data collection

The notion of collection refers to the process and the result of collecting (gathering, gathering or harvesting something). Data, on the other hand, is information that allows for the generation of certain knowledge. This means that data collection is the activity that consists of gathering information within a certain context. After gathering […]

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Definition of replacement

Replacement is the procedure and the result of exchanging, a verb that refers to replacing an element with another of the same type or to making a second exchange. For example: “The machine comes with several spare parts in case one breaks”, “Providers have many expectations regarding tourist replacement”, “The government announced a […]

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Definition of receptacle

Receptacle is a term whose etymology refers to the Latin language, more precisely to the word receptacŭlum. This word, in turn, is the result of the sum of two clearly differentiated parts: the verb receptare, which can be translated as “to receive” or “to collect”; and the suffix -culum, which is used to refer to a medium or […]

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Definition of receiver

Before going into the meaning of the term receptor, we must proceed to determine its etymological origin. Specifically, we can affirm that it derives from the Latin “receptor” because it is the result of the sum of the following elements: -The prefix “re-”, which indicates repetition. -The verb “capere”, which is synonymous with […]

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Definition of rewind

Rewind is a verb that can be used in different ways. The term can refer to the action of unwinding a tape or rope so that it passes from one reel to another, winding itself up in the second. The concept was very frequently used several years ago, when cassettes were used to listen to music and video cassettes […]

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Definition of augmented reality

Augmented reality is the system that enables the inclusion, in real time, of virtual elements within the physical universe. Using glasses or other special devices, a person can observe the real world with certain added elements, which appear on their lenses or screen as digital information. It should be noted that there are […]

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Definition of virtual reality

Virtual reality is a computer environment that digitally represents something that simulates being real. The notion, therefore, pits two concepts against each other that are opposite or, at least, contradictory. Reality is made up of that which exists in an authentic or true way. Events that have an effective existence, and that are […]

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Definition of infrared rays

Infrared rays are a type of electromagnetic radiation with a wavelength that is longer than the wavelength of visible light (therefore, it has a lower frequency), but shorter than the wavelength of microwaves (the frequency of infrared rays is higher). Before we talk about the radiation, we can see that the wavelength of light is longer than the wavelength of visible light (therefore, it has a lower frequency).

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Definition of mouse

A mouse is an animal that belongs to the group of mammals. It is a rodent that measures about twenty centimeters and is characterized by its gray fur and its very long tail. The mouse is very similar to the rat, another rodent. Both species are part of the same subfamily and […]

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Definition of rake

A rake is a tool used in gardening and farming to gather and collect straw, leaves and other items found on the ground. This tool also allows you to prepare the ground for planting, turning the soil, leveling the surface and removing weeds. Rakes have a long handle and are made of […]

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