

Latest articles in Technology

Definition of resonance

Resonance is a term that has its origin in the Latin word resonantĭa. This word can be translated as “the quality of someone who makes something sound repeatedly” and it is established that it is made up of several perfectly recognizable components: -The prefix re-, which means “backwards” or “again”. -The verb sonare, which is synonymous with […]

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Definition of electrical resistance

The idea of ​​resistance is linked to the opposition exerted by something or someone. In the context of electricity, the concept refers to the component of a circuit that hinders the advance of the electric current, to the general obstacle that the circuit exerts on the passage of the current and to the magnitude […]

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Definition of information protection

Safeguarding information is what is done to protect certain data. The information in question can be physical or digital, as can the safeguarding that is done. Safeguarding is the custody or preservation that is done of something. The idea of ​​information, on the other hand, is a term used to describe the […]

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Definition of reset

Reset is an English term that is not part of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) dictionary. In our language, the concept can be replaced by restart (start again). Despite the existence of words in Spanish that can replace reset, the notion is frequently used in the field of computing and […]

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Definition of reseller

Reseller is a word that belongs to the English language: that is why it does not appear in the dictionaries of our language. Despite this condition, it is a term frequently used in the commercial and marketing field. A reseller is a reseller: that is, a person who is dedicated to reselling products. This term is used to refer to a person who sells a product to a customer. […]

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Definition of requirement

Requirement is the act and consequence of requiring. This verb, which has its etymological origin in the Latin term requirĕre, refers to requesting, asking, notifying or needing something. Confusion often arises between this term and requirement; however, according to a text prepared by Fundéu (Foundation of Urgent Spanish), which […]

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Definition of repository

Repository is a term that has its etymological root in repositorĭum, a Latin word. A repository is a space used to store different things. For example: “The food distributor’s repository is two kilometers away”, “The authorities must protect this important repository of fresh water”, “This new library is […]

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Definition of replicate

To reply is a verb whose etymological origin is found in the Latin replicāre. It is the action of rejecting or refuting an argument through a response that shows said opposition. For example: «The deputy was quick to reply to the journalist's remarks», «I don't think anyone can reply to my statements since […]

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Definition of rheostat

A rheostat, also known as a rheostat, is the device of an electrical circuit that allows its resistance to be modified. Through the movement of a slider or an axis, the rheostat can vary the level of the current. In addition to everything explained so far about rheostats, it is necessary to know that basically […]

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Definition of hourglass

A clock is a device that makes it possible to measure time by dividing it into different units. Sand, on the other hand, is the name given to the accumulation of particles from rocks that gather on the shore of a river or ocean. An hourglass is an instrument that uses time to measure the amount of time.

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