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Definition of tabular

Tabular is a concept that can appear as an adjective or as a verb. When the term comes from the Latin word tabulāris, it is an adjective that refers to something that looks like a table. For example: “That tabular piece of furniture would be very useful in studying”, “Yesterday I acquired a novel tabular device with a top […]

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Definition of superconductor

Superconductor is an adjective applied to those materials that, when cooled, no longer resist the passage of electric current. Thus, at a certain temperature, the material becomes a perfect electrical conductor. Superconductivity, therefore, is a property of some materials. Substances that are […]

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Definition of spam

Spam is the name given to unsolicited emails that a person receives. These messages, also called junk mail or junk mail, are usually advertisements for all kinds of products and services. A person, having an email address, hopes to exchange messages with their acquaintances or to get in touch with those they know.

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Definition of spyware

Spyware is an English term that is not included in the dictionary compiled by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). The concept refers to a type of malicious software that accesses the data of a computer and sends it to other devices without the user noticing. It should be remembered that software is a type of malicious software that […]

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Definition of SOS

SOS is the name of a well-known distress signal used worldwide to request help through some type of communication medium. It began to be used in the 20th century using Morse code, where it is transmitted as a sequence of three short pulses, three short pulses and one […]

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Definition of probe

Probe is a term that can refer to different kinds of instruments and tools. These devices are linked to the verb to probe: to carry out an investigation or a search for something. In the field of medicine, a probe is a device used to explore body cavities or to carry out certain tests.

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Definition of solenoid

A solenoid is a coil that, due to its design, generates a very intense magnetic field. This coil, cylindrical in shape, has a conductive wire that is wound in such a way that the current causes the formation of an intense magnetic field. It is worth mentioning that in its etymology we find the union of two […]

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Definition of educational software

Educational software is a computer program that is used to educate the user. This means that it is a pedagogical or teaching tool that, due to its characteristics, helps in the acquisition of knowledge and the development of skills. It should be noted that software is a term that refers to a program that […]

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Definition of welding

The first meaning of the term welding mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to the process and result of welding: establishing a solid union between two things with a material that is similar or the same as theirs. In a broader sense, welding consists of mending […]

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Definition of proprietary software

Proprietary software is software that limits or prohibits its reproduction, distribution and/or modification. The permission to carry out such tasks is held by the legal or physical person who owns the software and who has the corresponding copyright. It should be noted that software is a computer program that, thanks to […]

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