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Definition of trocar

To change is a verb that can be used to refer to a modification or a change. For example: “The government announced that it will change the name of the Ministry of Defense to the Ministry of Security and Control”, “With some measures, we can change the recession into progress”, “I think that the world should change the […]

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Definition of crushing

To shred is a verb that refers to disintegrating, breaking up or crushing something, either in a physical or symbolic sense. The concept came to our language from the Latin word triturāre. Shredding consists of processing a material. It generally involves reducing the size of the element by crushing and grinding its particles. It is possible to shred cardboard […]

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Definition of tripod

A tripod is a three-legged frame used to support various instruments or devices. The concept comes from the Latin tripus, although its most distant etymological origin is found in the Greek language. Known in some countries as a tripod, the tripod provides stability to an element, preventing it from falling over.

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Definition of three-dimensional

The adjective three-dimensional is used to describe something that has three dimensions. To understand what the notion refers to, therefore, it is necessary to understand the concept of dimension. In the context of physics and geometry, the idea of ​​dimension refers to the smallest number of coordinates that can be […]

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Definition of train

Train is a term in our language that comes from the French word train . The concept refers to a means of transport made up of a series of wagons that, pulled by a locomotive, advance on tracks (composed, in turn, of the so-called rails or rails). This is the definition of train in its original form.

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Definition of transformer

Transformative is an adjective used to describe something that transforms something or someone. The verb “transform,” on the other hand, refers to modifying, converting or transmuting. For example: “The trip was transformative for me: seeing how monks live in Tibet, I understood that I don’t have to be tied to […]

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Definition of air traffic

Air traffic is a concept that refers to the set of rules, systems and processes that, regulated by various international organizations, enable the development of flights that allow travel from one destination to another around the world. It should be noted that traffic refers to the movement of human beings, means of transport and other means of transport […]

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Definition of tractor

A tractor is a machine that has the ability to generate traction (the act of pulling something to move it). Regarding the etymological origin of the term, some experts claim that it is found in the Latin word tractus, while others point to the Latin verb trahere, which can be translated as “to pull”. The most common use of the word […]

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Definition of traction

The Latin term tractĭo came to our language as traction. It is the act and consequence of pulling something with the aim of moving it or getting it to move. In this sense, we speak of animal traction or blood traction when using an animal to pull a cart, […]

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Definition of torque wrench

The torque wrench is a tool used to tighten bolts, nuts, screws and other parts. This instrument allows the application of a specific tension: that is why it is characterized by its precision. Torque wrenches, also known as torque wrenches or dynamometric wrenches, are used in combustion engines, equipment that allows the tightening of bolts, nuts and other parts.

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