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Definition of recombinant DNA

Recombinant DNA is an artificial DNA molecule. When this molecule created in vitro is introduced into an organism, a genetic alteration takes place that modifies its traits. DNA is the name given to deoxyribonucleic acid, a biopolymer that makes up the genetic material that cells contain. DNA has the genetic information that living beings […]

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Definition of adherence

Adherence, which comes from the Latin word adhaerentĭa, is a concept that refers to the physical agglutination or sticking of different elements. Adherence is also the property of something that is adherent (that sticks to something else). For example: “Local authorities warned that, on ice, it is necessary to drive with maximum caution […]

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Definition of adhesive

Adhesive is an adjective that describes something that has the ability to stick to something. The term in our language comes from adhaesum, a Latin term that in turn derives from adhaerĕo. This last word can be translated as “capable of sticking” and is the result of the sum of three clearly defined components: The prefix ad-, […]

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Definition of accumulator

Accumulator is an adjective used to describe that or someone who accumulates (that is, who gathers, collects or agglutinates something). To clearly determine the meaning of the term, it is important to establish its etymological origin. In this case, it must be stated that it derives from the Latin accumulator, which means “he who gathers” and that […]

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Definition of update

Update is the process and result of updating. This verb refers to making something current; that is, getting it up to date. Update, from this meaning, can be used in different contexts. For example: “The American company announced that it will launch an update of its operating system in order to […]

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Definition of coupling

Coupling is the act and result of coupling. This verb refers to linking, combining, accommodating, joining or adjusting two or more elements. For example: “The coach aims to achieve the coupling of the players as soon as possible”, “The coupling of the satellite navigation system to all security forces vehicles […]

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Definition of battleship

Battleship is a concept that comes from the verb acorazar, whose first meaning mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to giving a coating to a boat or a construction. By extension, a battleship is a large ship that has armor and is used for […]

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Definition of shortcut

A shortcut is an icon that, in the Microsoft Windows operating system, allows access to a certain file or archive. Shortcuts can be said to be files that contain data about the location of a document or a program: when the user makes one or two clicks on the icon, he accesses the material […]

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Definition of remote access

Remote access is the possibility of performing certain tasks on a computer without being physically in contact with the equipment. This is possible thanks to computer programs that allow you to work with the computer remotely. Before moving forward, it is important to know the etymological origin of the concept: Access is a noun that derives from the […]

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Definition of Access

Access is an English word that can be translated as “access”. The most common use of the term in our language is linked to a computer program developed by the American company Microsoft. Access, or Microsoft Access, is a software that allows you to manage a database. The program is part of Microsoft Office, a suite of […]

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