

Latest articles in Sociology

Definition of collective identity

Identity is a notion that comes from the late Latin identĭtas. The term can refer to the set of characteristics that are distinctive of a community or an individual; to the consciousness that a group or a subject has of itself; or the fact of being who one intends or is looking for. Collective, meanwhile, […]

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Definition of living conditions

Condition is a term that comes from the Latin word condicio. The concept has several uses: when it appears in the plural, it can refer to the circumstances or provisions that affect the state, quality or situation of something or someone. Life, on the other hand, also has several meanings. Life is called the existence of […]

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Definition of membership group

The Italian word gruppo came into our language as a group. The concept can refer to a set of elements or individuals. Belonging, meanwhile, comes from the low Latin pertinentia. The notion has several meanings; In this case, we are interested in its meaning as the fact of integrating an entity, a community, a class, etc. The idea […]

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Definition of quinary sector

It is common that, for analytical or descriptive purposes, the economy is divided into sectors. Each sector is made up of businesses and companies that constitute a differentiated segment within the framework of a certain productive activity. The most widespread theory is the one that establishes three sectors: the primary sector (made up of the actors who are dedicated […]

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Definition of quaternary sector

In the field of economics, a sector is the group formed by businesses and companies that can be grouped together by sharing certain characteristics linked to their activity. The so-called hypothesis of the three sectors postulates the existence of a sector dedicated to obtaining raw materials (the primary), another that is oriented […]

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Definition of Second Industrial Revolution

The term revolution has several uses. In this case, we are interested in its meaning as a profound and sudden modification of something. Industrial, meanwhile, is that linked to industry: the set of procedures that are carried out to obtain, modify and/or transfer one or more raw materials of natural origin. It is also […]

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Definition of labor movement

Movement is a term that can be used in different ways. In this case, we are interested in its meaning as the development and dissemination of a current or tendency of thought. Worker, meanwhile, comes from operanius. The concept can refer to that which is linked to work or to that which works. In certain contexts, it specifically mentions […]

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Definition of working class

The etymology of class takes us to the Latin word classis. It is a term that has several meanings: on this occasion, we are interested in staying with its meaning as a category or grouping. Social, on the other hand, refers to that linked to society. Society is also called the group of individuals who live in […]

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Definition of totalitarianism

The regime that is characterized by the concentration of all state powers in the ruling party is called totalitarianism. With totalitarianism, the State exercises control of social ties and activities and imposes the official ideology in a coercive manner. This hegemonic power is usually led by a charismatic leader, […]

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Definition of lifestyle

Style is a term that comes from the Latin word stilus. The concept can refer to a way, a habit or a mode. Life, meanwhile, is a notion with a complex definition that is often the subject of debate. In this case, we will stick with its meaning linked to the way of living (that is, […]

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