Latest articles in Psychology
Definition of non-binary
The term non-binary refers to a gender identity that does not fit within the traditional categories of man or woman. Non-binary people may identify with a mix of both genders, neither, or an identity that fluctuates between them. This concept questions the conventional view and recognizes the diversity in […]
Definition of consumer behavior
Consumer behavior is the behavior of an individual or a group of people when purchasing a product or contracting a service. The concept refers to how a subject chooses to use the resources they have to achieve the satisfaction of their needs or desires. It should be noted that the idea of behavior refers […]
Definition of community resilience
Community resilience is the ability of a community to recover in an adverse scenario. It is the set of qualities that allow a social group to face challenges and even emerge stronger from a problematic or conflictive situation. To understand the concept, it is important to analyze the two terms that […]
Definition of work motivation
Work motivation is an individual's willingness to make efforts in the workplace. It is about the stimulation that the subject has to commit to their activity. The term motivation refers to the set of elements, both internal and external, that affect the development of a being's actions […]
Definition of personal autonomy
Personal autonomy is the ability of a subject to carry out their daily activities and make their own decisions. This power implies the need to have certain resources and skills that allow one to function independently and assume the consequences of one's actions. To accurately understand the idea of personal autonomy, it is important to analyze the […]
Definition of acceptance and commitment therapy
Acceptance and commitment therapy (ACT) is a form of psychotherapy that focuses on helping people accept the inevitable aspects of life, rather than trying to avoid or control them. It is based on the idea that suffering is a natural part of experience […]
Definition of support groups
A support group is a gathering of people who share similar experiences, problems or conditions and meet regularly to offer each other understanding, encouragement and advice. These groups are typically led by a facilitator or moderator and provide safe spaces where participants can share their feelings, learn from others' experiences, and […]
Definition of empathic listening
Empathic listening is a concept that refers to the act of listening attentively, and as far as possible without interruptions, to a neighbor with the intention of dedicating quality time to them and understanding them without prejudice. Whoever exercises and applies this type of action demonstrates respect for the other and, in that context, […]
Definition of transformational leadership
Transformational leadership is a leadership style in which the leader inspires and motivates his followers to achieve positive and significant change, both in individuals and in the organization. This type of leader focuses on creating a shared vision, fostering enthusiasm, creativity and commitment among […]
Definition of intrinsic motivation
Intrinsic motivation is the drive that leads an individual to perform an activity for the pleasure and personal satisfaction found in the activity itself, rather than for external reward or pressure. That is, intrinsic motivation arises from within and is related to enjoyment, personal interest and […]