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Definition of mester

Mester is a synonym for menester that is used in rural areas. This is the first meaning mentioned by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) in its dictionary. The idea of ​​menester, meanwhile, can refer to a need, to the lack of something, to a job or to something that is required for […]

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Definition of title page

Portadilla is the diminutive of portada. The concept is used in the field of printing to refer to the front cover. First printed page A front cover is the name given to the sheet that is placed before the cover of the book. It is the first printed page. The information it presents is the […]

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Definition of prefiguration

The etymology of prefiguration leads us to the Latin word praefiguratio. The term refers to a representation that is made in advance. An anticipated idea It can be said that prefiguration is an idea that is developed in advance about something. In some cases prefiguration is a kind of advance, while in others it is a kind of […]

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Definition of Nadaism

Nadaism is a poetic avant-garde movement that was born in Colombia in the late 1950s and developed during the 1960s. Gonzalo Arango is considered its main promoter, along with poets such as Jotamario Arbeláez, Jaime Jaramillo Escobar, Humberto Navarro, Jaime Espinel, Amílcar Osorio and Diego León Giraldo, among others. For his work, he was one of the most […]

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Definition of metanarrative

Meta-story is a concept that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). However, its meaning can be understood by analyzing its components. Etymology The prefix meta-, of Greek origin, refers to “about”, “after”, “next to”, “with” or “between”. A story, meanwhile, is a narration. As […]

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Definition of crash

The term “crash” comes from the Latin word “strepĭtus”. The concept refers to a loud noise, of high intensity. A shocking noise On the other hand, a sound that lacks articulation and is usually unpleasant is called noise. In the case of a crash, this sound is very loud and tends to impact or […]

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Definition of periclitate

The word periclitāri, which can be translated as “being in danger”, came to our language as periclitar. Although it was previously used to refer to the fact of being in a dangerous situation, this meaning fell into disuse, according to the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Decline or diminish Nowadays, the concept of periclitar is used […]

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Definition of grotesque

A grotesque is a ridiculous or extravagant individual, object or event. What is mentioned in this way is caricatured due to its grotesque characteristics. Some examples Let’s look at the term in some sentences to take a look at its meaning in different situations: “I wanted to make a strawberry and chocolate cake but it turned out to be a grotesque”, […]

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Definition of flamboyant

Flaming is that which expels flames: a gaseous mass that is in combustion, emitting light. It is an adjective that originated in the Latin flammĭger. The notion is also used to refer to that which imitates the appearance of a flame. Another use of the concept is symbolic and is linked to […]

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Definition of narrator

The notion of narratee is used in the context of literary theory to refer to the character who, in the universe of a fiction, is positioned as the recipient of a story told by the narrator. This means that the narrator tells a story to the narratee. Recipient of the story The narratee, therefore, is the recipient of the story.

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