

Latest articles in Literature

Definition of drama

The term drama has Latin origins and refers to the work that belongs to dramatic poetry. Drama is also known as a play or film that includes a majority of situations that are tense and conflictive. In any case, it is important to keep in mind that, according to […]

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Definition of allegory

The concept of allegory comes from the Latin allegoria, which in turn comes from a word of Greek origin. The notion allows us to refer to that fiction in which an idea, phrase, expression or sentence has a different meaning than the one presented. Likewise, allegory is known as those literary materials […]

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Definition of figurative language

Figurative language is language in which a word expresses an idea in terms of another, appealing to a similarity that may be real or imaginary. Figurative language is opposed to literal language, which assumes that words have the sense that defines their exact meaning. For example: the term dog refers to […]

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Definition of story

A story is a piece of knowledge that is transmitted, usually in detail, regarding a certain fact. The concept, which has its origin in the Latin word relātus, also refers to stories and narratives that are not too long. Thus, as a literary genre, a story is a form of communication that is […]

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Definition of diary

From the Latin diarĭum, the word diary refers to something that corresponds to every day. For example: «Daily physical activity is recommended for health», «It is not good to eat hamburgers every day». On the other hand, a diary is a newspaper that is published every day. It is a printed publication that […]

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Definition of book

The word book comes from the Latin liber, a term linked to the bark of the tree. A book is a set of sheets of paper or some similar material that, when bound, form a volume. According to UNESCO, a book must have 50 or more sheets. Otherwise, it is considered a […]

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Definition of rhyme

Rhyme is the repetition of a series of sounds. It is a technique that is often used in poetry, where repetition is usually found at the end of the verse starting from the accented vowel that is located in the last place. When it comes to detailing what the concept of rhyme means, we can […]

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Definition of act

From the Latin actus, the term act is linked to the term action, as the ability to carry out a certain task. In any case, in the colloquial sense, the word has several uses and applications. The concept in theatre and in religion In a play, an act is each one of the […]

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Definition of declamation

Derived from the Latin declamatio, the concept of declamation revolves around the act of declaiming. This verb, according to its theoretical definition, describes the action of speaking in public or reciting with the appropriate intonation, mime and gestures. In this sense, we can say that worldwide there are various competitions and […]

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Definition of absurd

Absurd is that which lacks sense or is opposite or inverse to reason. The concept, derived from the Latin absurdus, also refers to that which is strange, rare, far-fetched, illogical or senseless. In logic, absurdity appears when a series of propositions inevitably leads to the negation or refutation of each other.

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