

Latest articles in Literature

Definition of twilight

Twilight is the light that begins to appear from the beginning of dawn until sunrise and from sunset until nightfall. In the first case, we speak of morning twilight, dawn or aurora, while in the second, we refer to evening twilight (i.e., the […]

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Definition of bibliography

Bibliography is the description and knowledge of books. It is the science in charge of the reference study of texts. Bibliography therefore includes the catalogue of writings that belong to a given subject. When to use bibliography A writer may refer to bibliography to make reference to a particular subject.

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Definition of biography

Biography is the story of a person’s life. The word comes from a compound Greek term: bios (“life”) and graphein (“to write”). Biography can be used in a symbolic sense. For example: “The president’s biography reflects that she has never been in a similar situation.” In this case, the notion of biography refers to […]

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Definition of log

A logbook, from the French bitacle, is a kind of cabinet used in maritime life. It is an instrument that is fixed to the deck, near the rudder and the nautical needle, and that facilitates navigation in unknown oceans. In ancient times, this device used to include a notebook (the logbook of […]

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Definition of bible

From the Latin biblia, which in turn derives from a Greek word meaning “books,” the term bible refers to a work that brings together knowledge on a particular subject. For example: “The first book published by Dr. Mafoet is the bible of modern infectious diseases.” The most common use of the concept, from […]

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Definition of ode

Ode is a Latin word with Greek origins that refers to a poetic composition of the lyrical genre. The ode can be developed in various tones and forms, and deal with subjects of any kind. In general, it is usually divided into stanzas or equal parts. The original odes were sung to the accompaniment of some musical instrument.

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Definition of genesis

From the Latin genĕsis (derived from a Greek term), genesis is the origin or beginning of something. Written with an initial capital letter (Genesis), the concept refers to the first book of the Old Testament, where the origin of the world is explained. Genesis is usually attributed to Moses, which means that it was written […]

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Definition of fantasy

From the Latin phantasia (which, in turn, comes from a Greek word), fantasy is the human faculty that allows us to reproduce, through mental images, past things or to represent events that do not belong to the realm of reality. These events may be possible (for example, fantasizing about traveling to the beach in the next […]

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Definition of phrase

A sentence is a set of words that form a meaning. Although the term is often used as a synonym for a sentence, a sentence may not actually constitute a sentence (which is a unit of meaning with syntactic autonomy). The sentence is also known as a sentence without a verb (“For God’s sake!”), although, from the beginning, […]

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Definition of revenge

Revenge is a reprimand that is exercised on a person or a group of people for an action that is perceived as bad or harmful. The person who feels affected decides to take revenge and makes a kind of reparation for the damage. Revenge, thus, supposes compensation for the grievance received. For some people, revenge is a form of […]

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