

Latest articles in Literature

Definition of irony

This term comes from a Latin word that in turn comes from Greek, and is understood as a veiled mockery. It consists of implying the opposite of what is said through a certain intonation or body language. An example of the use of irony in colloquial speech can be […]

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Definition of euphemism

A euphemism is a decorous expression, the most direct and frank expression of which would be very harsh or would sound bad. It refers to a concept that serves to replace another more offensive, vulgar or even taboo one; the one used is considered to be the appropriate one because it is politically correct. This means that the use of a euphemism […]

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Definition of epithet

An epithet is an adjective or participle that is intended to characterize a noun. Its main purpose, therefore, is not to specify or determine the noun in question. The term derives from the Latin epithĕton, which in turn comes from a Greek term meaning “added.” The epithet seeks to highlight intrinsic characteristics of the noun. For example: […]

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Definition of epic

The term epic, from the Latin epicus, refers to that which belongs to or relates to the epic or heroic poetry. This poetic genre presents legendary or fictitious events that take place in a specific time and space. This means that the epic can be based on true or invented events. Epic poets alternate between […]

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Definition of epilogue

The epilogue is what closes an exposition; it allows a recapitulation of a topic that has been discussed at length, as a conclusion. It is usually found at the end of the last part of a work of fiction or conclusively at the end of an essay. From another point of view, the epilogue – which comes from […]

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Definition of editorial

The term editorial has three main uses or meanings. As an adjective, the concept refers to that which belongs to or relates to editors or editions. For example: «The publishing industry has fallen by 17% in the last year due to piracy», «The inclusion of the Argentine novelist as a regular columnist was a great […]

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Definition of stanza

From the Latin stropha (which, in turn, derives from a Greek word meaning “turn”), the term stanza refers to the different fragments that make up a poem or a song. These parts are often organized in the same way and made up of the same number of verses. For metrics, a stanza is a […]

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Definition of errata

An errata is a material mistake that appears in a printed document or manuscript. The term comes from the Latin word errāta ("wrong things"). Errata is the list of errors that is inserted at the beginning or end of a book and that the reader must take into account regarding the errors.

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Definition of elegy

An elegy is a poetic composition that belongs to the lyrical genre and that, in the Spanish language, is usually written in free verse or in triplets. This subgenre is associated with lamenting the death of a loved one or any event that causes pain and sadness. Greek and Latin poets, however, also […]

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Definition of dramaturgy

Dramaturgy is the art of composing and performing a story on stage. A playwright is someone who writes plays to be performed in theatre or adapts other books to that format. The playwright, therefore, deals with both the writing of the texts and the design of the scripts.

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