

Latest articles in Literature

Definition of parody

Parody is a word that comes from the Latin parodĭa and that has its most remote origin in the Greek language. Specifically, we can establish that parody is a term that is made up of three perfectly defined parts: the prefix para-, which can be translated as “alongside”; the word oid, which acts as a synonym for “song”; […]

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Definition of parabola

Parabola is a term that comes from the Latin parabŏla and that has its most remote origin in a Greek word. In the field of mathematics, the parabola is the geometric space of the points of a plane that have equidistance with respect to a fixed point and a straight line. This place is created from […]

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Definition of oxymoron

An oxymoron is a literary figure that consists of combining two expressions with opposite meanings in the same structure, with the aim of generating a third concept with a new meaning. The study of its etymology shows that it is a word composed of two Greek terms, whose approximate meanings are “sharp” and “dumb”, […]

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Definition of omniscient

Omniscient is an adjective that can be used to name someone who has omniscience, that is, someone who knows all of reality and even that which falls within the realm of the possible. The term is formed by two Latin words that mean “who knows everything.” The definition of the concept allows us to infer that God is the only omniscient being. […]

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Definition of onomatopoeia

Onomatopoeia is a word that comes from the late Latin onomatopoeia, although its origin goes back to a Greek word. It is the imitation or recreation of the sound of something in the term that is used to mean it. It can also refer to visual phenomena. For example: “His vehicle was moving in a zigzag pattern until it collided […]

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Definition of nemesis

When analyzing the concept in question in depth, we must first explain that it has its etymological origin in an ancient Indo-European root, which is nem or nom. It can be established that it is translated as “to assign, to distribute.” It is also important to emphasize the fact that at the beginning it was linked […]

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Definition of narration

Narration, from the Latin narratio, is a term that has three main uses. Firstly, it is the action and effect of narrating (telling or relating a story, whether true or fictitious). A narrative is, on the other hand, a short story or a novel: «The latest narrative by the acclaimed Canadian author takes place in the […]

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Definition of naturalism

Naturalism is a philosophical system that emphasizes nature as the first principle of reality. The naturalist school of thought holds that nature is made up of all existing physical realities and, therefore, is the sole and absolute origin of reality. For philosophical naturalism, everything real is the only one that exists […]

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Definition of lyrical

Lyric poetry, from the Latin lyrĭcus, is a literary genre in which the author expresses his feelings and intends to awaken similar feelings in the reader or listener. Lyric poetry is usually expressed through works in verse, suitable for singing. The notion of lyric poetry is linked to the lyre, a stringed instrument that […]

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Definition of idyll

From the Latin idyllĭum, which has its origin in a Greek word meaning “short poem”, the term idyll can be used to name the love conversation and the relationship between lovers. In everyday language, therefore, an idyll is a romance that is presented as ideal and perfect for the couple. For example: “The actress […]

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