

Latest articles in Literature

Definition of vignette

A cartoon is a term that comes from the French vignette and is used to name the frames in a series that, with their drawings and texts, make up a comic strip. The concept also refers to the scene printed in a publication that may be accompanied by a comment and is generally humorous in nature. The […]

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Definition of verse

From the Latin word versus, verse is the set of words that are subject to cadence (a certain rhythm) and measure (determined by the number of syllables). The verse is the first ordered unit (line) of a poem. It is possible to distinguish between verse and prose, whose form and structure naturally take the language to express […]

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Definition of tongue twister

A tongue twister is a phrase or term that is very difficult to pronounce (and therefore “locks” the tongue of the person trying to express it). It is usually used as a game or as an exercise to achieve a clear expression or way of speaking. The tongue twister, therefore, must be a text that, […]

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Definition of narrative text

A narrative text is one that includes the account of events that take place in a place over a certain period of time. This account includes the participation of various characters, who may be real or imaginary. It should be noted that the coherent set of statements that forms a unit of meaning and that […]

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Definition of plot

The word weft comes from a Latin word that refers to the group of threads that, when combined and linked together, manage to give shape to a fabric. The word also designates the type of silk that, due to its characteristics, is useful for weaving. The plot is also the conspiracy that is […]

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Definition of poetic text

A text is a set of signs, encoded in a system, that attempts to convey a message. Poetry, on the other hand, is linked to the aesthetic intention of words, especially when they are organized in verse. The poetic text, therefore, is one that appeals to various stylistic resources to convey emotions and feelings, […]

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Definition of dramatic text

The coherent set of statements that forms a unit of meaning and that has a communicative intention through its signs is known as text. Drama, on the other hand, is a form of presentation of different scenes through their representation with actors and dialogues. The dramatic text, therefore, is one that represents […]

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Definition of title

From the Latin titŭlus, a title is a term or expression that communicates the name or theme of a work, be it a book, a record, a film, etc. For example: «»The Lost Symbol» is the title of Dan Brown's latest novel», «The artist is working on a new album that is still […]

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Definition of literary text

A literary text is one that uses literary language, a type of language that pursues a certain aesthetic purpose to capture the reader’s interest. The author of literature searches for the right words to express his ideas in a refined manner and according to a certain stylistic criterion. It should be noted that a text is a […]

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Definition of theme

Thematic is a term that can function as a noun or an adjective. In the first case, it refers to the topic or the great variety of topics and issues that characterize a fact or phenomenon. Some examples of its use can be seen below: «This book deals with the topic of respect for the right of […]

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