

Latest articles in Literature

Definition of description

Description, with origins in the Latin descriptio, is the action and effect of describing (representing someone or something through language, defining something by giving a general idea, outlining, imagining). The description provides information about someone or something, with different possible degrees of detail. For example: «The police have released a detailed description about […]

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Definition of chapter

A chapter is a division made in a book or other type of written document to facilitate reading and the order and integration of the contents. The term has its origin in the Latin word capitulum. For example: «As soon as I finish reading the book, I will lend it to you: there are fourteen chapters and […]

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Definition of brief

Brief is an adjective that can be used to refer to something of short length or duration. A brief thing, therefore, is characterized by its limited and summarized nature, whether in relation to time and/or space. To cite some examples: “With a very brief speech, the coach announced that he will leave the team at the end of […]

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Definition of rhetoric

Rhetoric is the discipline that studies and systematizes the language used in different fields of knowledge (such as natural sciences, narratology, political sciences and educational sciences), allowing communication in each field to achieve the objectives it sets, both communicative and aesthetic. This discipline allows communication in each field to achieve the objectives it sets, both communicative and aesthetic.

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Definition of protagonist

The notion of protagonist is used to name the main character in a work of fiction, whether literary, cinematic or otherwise. The etymology of the word takes us back to the Greek language, referring to the one who “plays the first part” or who is the “chief actor”. The protagonist, therefore, carries out […]

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Definition of passage

Passage is a concept with various uses and applications. It can refer to the action of moving from one part to another. For example: “The transition from one round to another was very costly for the national team”, “The problem occurred in the transition from the gaseous to the liquid state: that caused the experiment to fail”. […]

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Definition of character

A character is a being (whether human, animal, supernatural or any other type) that takes part in an artistic work (theater, film, book, etc.). Characters are usually the main actors in a fiction and those who give impetus to the actions. For example: “The main character of the novel is an immigrant who tries to […]

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Definition of epigram

From the Latin epigramma, which in turn comes from a Greek word meaning “to overwrite”, an epigram is an inscription made on stone, metal or other material. The concept also refers to a short poetic composition that wittily expresses a single main thought. In Ancient Greece, epigrams could be found in the […]

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Definition of work

The first thing we have to do before fully entering into the analysis of the meaning of the term work is to proceed to determine its etymological origin. In doing so we discover that the word comes from Latin, and more exactly from the word opera, which can be translated as “work”. A work is a thing produced or made by […]

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Definition of soliloquy

From the Latin soliloquĭum, a soliloquy is a reflection that is made out loud and, often, alone. The concept is associated with the monologue and the speech of this type that a character in a dramatic work performs. The soliloquy is an uninterrupted speech (that is, it does not appeal to or allow an interlocutor to participate […]

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