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Definition of truism

Perogrullo is a name associated with a figure of oral literature and popular culture, of uncertain origin. It could never be confirmed whether a Perogrullo, Pedrogrullo or Pedro Grullo existed in real life, although his supposed phrases remained in history under the name of perogrulladas. A perogrullada, also known as perogrullada, is a […]

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Definition of peripeteia

In order to understand the meaning of the term peripeteia, the first thing to do is to determine its etymological origin. And in this sense it is clear that it is a word that derives from the Greek, peripétia, which can be translated as “adventure”. A peripeteia is a change of plans driven by an unforeseen event that forces one to […]

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Definition of parchment

A parchment is a skin on which one can write. The term, which has its etymological origin in the Latin pergamīnum, is also used to name the document that has been developed on one of these skins. For example: “Archaeologists found an ancient parchment that describes the development of a religious ceremony”, “The conservation […]

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Definition of narrative paragraph

The first step to take before determining the meaning of the term narrative paragraph is to establish the etymological origin of the words that give it form: Paragraph comes from Greek. Specifically, it comes from «paragraphos», which is the result of the sum of two components: «para», which can be translated as «together», and «grapho», which […]

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Definition of paratext

Although the notion of paratext is not included in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), it is frequently used in the field of linguistics. Paratext refers to those messages, postulates or expressions that complement the main content of a text. Its purpose is to provide more information about the work in question […]

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Definition of paragon

Paragon is a term used as a synonym for comparison or similarity. A comparison, therefore, arises when comparing two realities, events, objects, etc. For example: “The president’s decision establishes a comparison between both countries”, “Due to the achievements at his age, Lionel Messi has no comparison with any other player in […]

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Definition of paraphrase

The first important thing to do in order to establish the meaning of the term paraphrase is to determine its etymological origin. In this sense, we can say that it comes from Greek. Specifically, from the word “paraphrasis”, which is the result of the sum of the following components: • “Para”, which can be translated as “alongside”. • “Phrasis”, which means “para ...

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Definition of panegyric

Panegyric is a term linked to praise, encomium or compliments that are dedicated to something or someone. The concept, with origins in the Latin panegyricus (which, in turn, derives from Greek), can be used as a noun (words or texts of praise) or as an adjective (the qualification that these expressions receive). The term […]

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Definition of palindrome

The etymological origin of the word palindrome is found in Greek. We must explain that it is a term that is made up of the sum of two elements of that language: • “Palin”, which can be translated as “again”. • The noun “dromos”, which is equivalent to “race track”. […]

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Definition of pamphlet

Pamphlet is a term that comes from the Latin word opusculum, which is the diminutive of opus. Just as opus can be translated as “work”, a pamphlet is a literary or scientific creation that is of a reduced length. For example: “The German sociologist surprised the scientific community of his country with a pamphlet where […]

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