

Latest articles in Literature

Definition of prequel

Prequel is a concept used in the art industry to name a work that appears after a previous installment, but which in the chronology of the saga takes place in the past. The term prequel is a neologism (a word that has appeared in our language recently) originating from English. […]

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Definition of preamble

The concept of preamble comes from praeambulus, a Latin word that refers to that which “stands before.” The preamble, therefore, is a kind of preface or prologue that is said before beginning a presentation or speech. For example: “The preamble of the conference was too long for my taste,” […]

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Definition of polysyndeton

Polysyndeton is a term that comes from the Latin polysindeton, although the most distant etymological root is found in the Greek language. It is a rhetorical figure that is based on the repetition of conjunctions to reinforce the expressiveness of a notion. This implies that, when this figure is used, propositions will be linked […]

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Definition of poet

A poet, also known as a vate or bard, is an individual who is dedicated to creating poetry. A poem, on the other hand, is a literary composition developed in verse that can also be called a poem. Poets, therefore, are writers who devote themselves to works in verse. When the person […]

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Definition of plot

Plot is a term that is not part of the dictionary published by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). Its use, however, is quite frequent in our language. It is, in fact, an English concept that can be translated as “argument” or “plot”. When talking about the plot of a work, therefore, we will be referring to […]

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Definition of pleonasm

Pleonasm is a Greek concept derived from pleonasmus that is used in our language to name a type of rhetorical figure. It consists of the use of terms that reinforce what is said in an expression but that do not add valuable information since, without them, the sentence would be understood the same. In other words, […]

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Definition of grief

Pesadumbre is the condition of that which is heavy. The most frequent use of this concept, however, is linked to sadness, anguish or grief caused by a certain state or situation. Let's look at some example sentences: “Since you left, I feel a sadness that I can't overcome”, “The sadness took over […]

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Definition of Platonic

Platonic is an adjective that comes from Platonicus, a term from the Latin language. It is generally applied to that love that develops from an ideal or from the imagination, without there being sexual intimacy. Platonic love is impossible to specify or materialize: that is why it remains as something idyllic, which […]

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Definition of Pygmalion

Pygmalion is the name of a mythological character, whose origins date back to Ancient Greece. According to the myth, he was a monarch who, after not finding the ideal woman to marry, chose to develop sculptures that would allow him to replace the female presence as a life partner. The story goes that […]

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Definition of rogue

Rogue can be used as a noun or as an adjective. The concept refers to a subject of dubious morals who appeals to his cunning to obtain certain benefits or to take advantage of a given circumstance. For example: “Donato managed to grow in this company because he is a rogue and knows how to always be in the right place, at the right time”, […]

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