

Latest articles in Literature

Definition of historical account

A historical account is a chronological narration of real events from the past. Typically, this type of account is structured in three sections: it begins with an introduction, which provides a broad overview of what will be discussed next; it continues with the development of the events; and it ends with a conclusion. […]

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Definition of proverb

Proverb is a word with an etymological origin that takes us back to the French language and the word refrain. It is a short sentence, the use of which is shared by a community, that promotes reflection, transmits a lesson or serves as an example. Proverbs are common in everyday speech, unlike proverbs.

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Definition of rewriting

A rewrite is the result of rewriting, an action that consists of writing again about a topic but now from a different perspective. It can also involve writing something again, although with modifications with respect to the original text. For example: «The editor did not approve my note, although he gave me time until next Tuesday to […]

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Definition of redondilla

In poetry, poems with a particular structure whose verses are eight sounding syllables or less are classified within the genre of minor art. In turn, within this classification there are many types of possible structures; the most popular is that of octosyllabic verses. Within the octosyllabic verses we find […]

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Definition of literary devices

Literary devices are tools that authors of literature use to generate certain stylistic effects in their texts. It can be said that they are special or unusual uses of language, different from everyday uses. Literary devices can be called literary figures or rhetorical figures. They are unusual ways of using language.

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Definition of recrudescence

To flare up is a concept that has its origin in the Latin recrudescere. This verb refers to something negative that, after having hinted at a setback or a disappearance, reappears with renewed force. For example: «I fear that the disease may flare up again since the antibiotics are not giving the […]

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Definition of recondite

Recondite is an adjective derived from the Latin word reconditus. The term refers to that which is concealed, is far away or remains hidden. The recondite, in a certain way, is hidden. For example: “The singer chose to spend his holidays in a remote place in Polynesia”, “The work sensitized me a lot and brought out my […]

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Definition of rhapsody

Rhapsody is a notion that has several meanings. Before moving forward with the definition, it is important to thoroughly understand the etymological origin of the term. Thus, we must be clear that it comes from the Latin rhapsodia which, in turn, emanates from the Greek word rhapsoidia. This noun is formed with two clearly differentiated parts: The verb rhaptein, […]

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Definition of account

Racconto is an Italian word that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE), although its use is quite frequent in our language. The notion is used to name a retrospective that is generally carried out in an artistic work to summarize or review past events. When a film or […]

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Definition of whoever

Whoever is an indefinite pronoun that is used to indicate an imprecise subject, without referring to a specific individual. This pronoun can be placed before or after the verb. For example: “Whoever was the one who was going through my drawer, is going to pay for it”, “They say that whoever drinks water from this […]

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