

Latest articles in Literature

Definition of lyrical subject

The idea of ​​a lyrical subject refers to the being that expresses itself in a poem. It is a creation that coincides with the author and that can be associated with the narrator that appears in stories and novels. It can be said that the lyrical subject, therefore, is the voice of the poet. Emotions and feelings […]

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Definition of superhero

Superhero is a term formed by the prefix super (a compositional element that refers to something excessive, preeminent or to the maximum degree) and the noun hero (someone recognized for his courage and his exploits). According to the Fundación del Español Urgente (Fundéu), compound terms with the prefix super are written without spaces and without […]

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Definition of sublime

Sublime is an adjective that describes that which has excellence, perfection or brilliance. Its etymological origin is found in the Latin sublimis, which is made up of two clearly delimited parts: the prefix sub-, which can be translated as “low”; and the noun limis, which is synonymous with “limit” or “threshold”. For […]

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Definition of synecdoche

A synecdoche is a trope that expands, narrows or modifies the meaning of a term, naming a part of something as if it were a whole or mentioning the whole with the name of one of the parts. The Latin word synecdŏche, which comes from a Greek term, came to our language as synecdoche. It is worth remembering that […]

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Definition of synalepha

Sinalepha is a notion that derives from the Latin sinaloepha, which in turn comes from a Greek word. This Greek word is none other than “synaloiphé”, which is the result of the sum of two clearly delimited components such as these: “syn”, which can be translated as “with”, and “aleiphein”, which is synonymous with “to anoint”. The term […]

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Definition of golden age

A golden age is a period of time in which art, science or another discipline has achieved significant development. For example: “We are living in the golden age of the telecommunications industry”, “The golden age of Italian art is already far behind”, “This poet is one of the greatest […]

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Definition of likeness

The dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) defines a profile as a biographical sketch. It is often said that a profile is a short biography, which does not abound in historical data but rather presents information about the character and personality of the individual in question. Thus, if a biography can be developed in a […]

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Definition of narrative sequence

In order to adequately define this term we would have to focus on the meaning that each word that makes it up has. In this way we can point out on the one hand that the succession of facts or elements that have a relationship between them is called a sequence. While the narrative refers to the act of […]

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Definition of satire

Satire is a genre of literature that aims to ridicule a person or to make fun of certain situations. With antecedents in iambic poetry, satire was born in poetry and prose until it reached other forms of expression, such as drawing, theatre and cinema. Satire is a genre of literature that is intended to ridicule a person or to make fun of certain situations. With antecedents in iambic poetry, satire was born in poetry and prose until it reached other forms of expression, such as drawing, theatre and cinema. Satire is a genre of literature that is intended to ridicule a person or to make fun of certain situations.

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Definition of psalm

Psalm is a concept that comes from the Latin word psalmus. The term is used to name a composition that is pronounced or sung to praise a divinity. The traditional psalms of Catholicism and Judaism are compiled in a series of books that are part of the Old Testament and the Tanakh. There are […]

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