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Definition of apocryphal

The Greek term apókryphos was derived from a Latin word that, in turn, came to Spanish as apocryphal. The first meaning mentioned in the dictionary developed by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to an adjective that describes something simulated, non-existent or feigned. For example: “An apocryphal nobleman appeared at the […]

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Definition of apocalypse

Apocalypse is a concept that refers to the end or collapse of the world. The term comes from the late Latin apocalypsis, which in turn is derived from the Greek apokálypsis. For example: “If humans continue to act in this way, the apocalypse awaits us”, “When the apocalypse comes, I want to be at peace with myself and with my neighbors”, […]

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Definition of antihero

The notion of antihero is used to define the character who, in a story, exhibits behaviors and characteristics that do not coincide with those presented by conventional heroes. Thus, although his actions can be considered heroic, his procedures and purposes are not. In fiction, the antihero is often selfish, a hermit, […]

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Definition of antithesis

The antithesis is that which, due to its characteristics or conditions, is totally opposite to something else, according to the first definition mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). For example: “Ricardo is the antithesis of Juana: he is quiet and withdrawn, while she spends all day talking and socializing”, […]

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Definition of anecdote

The term anecdote is believed to come from the French word anecdote, which in turn is derived from a Greek concept. An anecdote is a short story where a curious matter is told for fun or as an example. For example: “Miguel, tell the anecdote about the boat again, it is very funny”, “The public […]

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Definition of anagnorisis

According to its etymological root, anagnorisis is associated with an act of recognition. It is a rhetorical resource that leads a character to discover and recognize his identity or the identity of a third party, an event that modifies his subsequent behavior. Anagnorisis is also linked to what is […]

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Definition of anagram

An anagram is a modification in the order of the letters that make up a word, generating a different word. The etymology of the term refers to the French anagramme, which comes from the Latin anagramma. Anagrams are often used in word games and puzzles as a pastime, since they require the use of creativity and […]

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Definition of anaphora

Anaphora is a rhetorical figure that consists of repeating terms or ideas on purpose with an aesthetic or discursive intention. The etymology of the term, which has several uses, leads us to a Greek word that can be translated as “repetition” and which came to Latin as anaphŏra. For example: “I always think of you, / I always have your […]

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Definition of anadiplosis

Anadiplosis is a rhetorical figure that involves the repetition of a word at the end of an expression or a verse and at the beginning of the next. The device is also known as conduplication. If the figure is repeated in several verses or expressions, we speak of concatenation. The etymological path of the term […]

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Definition of good news

Good news is the gift given to someone who announces good news or to someone who is the protagonist of some transcendental event. When analyzing the etymological root of the term, it can be noted that it derives from the Hispanic Arabic albúšra, which in turn comes from the classical Arabic bušrà. The most common use of the concept, however, is […]

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