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Definition of refute

Rebut is a verb that refers to objecting, refuting or nullifying an argument. The concept can also be used to mention the action of counteracting or neutralizing a tendency, an attack, an influence, etc. For example: “I am going to refute each of the accusations against me”, “The official will hold a press conference with […]

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Definition of reluctant

Reluctant is an adjective that applies to someone who opposes or resists something. For example: "I am reluctant to public displays of affection", "I am sorry to tell you that my father is reluctant to pay tributes", "Ricardo is reluctant to this type of actions, but he knows that there are not many options left." The etymology of […]

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Definition of rapids

Raudales is the plural of raudal. The first meaning of the term rapid that is accepted by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to water that flows violently through a certain channel. For example: “The storm caused strong flows that flooded the city”, “There is not enough flow to practice rafting on this river”, “The […]

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Definition of random

Random is a term that is not part of the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). It is an English word that can be translated as "random" and that, for reasons related to technology, also began to be used in Spanish. Compact disc (CD) players usually have a function called random that […]

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Definition of slow down

Slowing down is the action that allows something to become slower or develop less quickly. This means that slowing down consists of reducing the speed or slowing down a certain procedure. For example: «The general ordered to erect barricades to slow down the advance of the enemies», «This treatment […]

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Definition of roots

Raigambre is the name given to the roots of plants when they are intertwined and linked. For example: “These bushes withstood the storm since their roots are very strong”, “I asked the gardener to remove the soil and remove all the roots”, “You cannot grow the plant in this pot since its […]

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Definition of burst

A gust is a wind of great intensity that lasts a short time and appears suddenly. Wind involves the circulation and displacement of gases: when the speed of the wind increases abruptly for a short period of time, a gust is produced. For example: “A gust knocked down the telephone antenna, which fell […]

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Definition of RAE

RAE is the acronym corresponding to the Royal Spanish Academy, a cultural entity whose foundation took place in 1713 in Madrid. The person responsible for its creation was Juan Manuel Fernández Pacheco y Zúñiga, a nobleman who was inspired by the academies of Florence and France. Philip V, Spanish king, was in charge of approving the constitution of […]

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Definition of radiant

Radiant is an adjective whose etymological root is found in the Latin radians. The term allows you to describe that which shines, shines or shines. For example: “After several hours of cleaning, the house was radiant”, “After washing, the car looks radiant”, “The new bronze statue, radiant, surprised the museum visitors”. People […]

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Definition of radir

Knowing the etymological origin of the term basar is the first thing that is necessary to do and then proceed to establish its meaning. Thus, we can say that it derives from Latin, specifically from the verb “radicare”, which can be translated as “root” and is made up of the following parts: -The noun “radix”, which is synonymous with […]

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