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Definition of spelling rule

Spelling rules are the rules that regulate the writing of words. The system formed by these rules, known as spelling, constitutes a convention on how a certain language should be expressed in writing. Spelling, in short, is a code. In our language it began to develop in the 18th century, especially from […]

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Definition of refulgent

Refulgent is an adjective that describes what is capable of emitting effulgence. A effulgence, on the other hand, is a radiance (a clear, bright light). In order to correctly understand the meaning of the term, it is important to know its etymological origin. Specifically, this derives from the Latin refulgentis, which can be translated as “that […]

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Definition of proverb

Refrán is a word with an etymological origin that refers us to the French language and the word refrain. It is a short sentence, whose use is shared by a community, which promotes reflection, transmits a lesson or serves as an example. Proverbs are frequent in everyday speech, unlike […]

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Definition of reformulation

Formulation is the process and result of formulating (indicating, declaring or externalizing something; explaining it with precise words). From this definition, we can understand what the concept of reformulation refers to, even when the term is not part of the dictionary prepared by the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). To do this we can first observe […]

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Definition of rewrite

A rewrite is the result of rewriting, an action that consists of writing again about a topic but now from a different approach. It can also be about writing something again, although with modifications with respect to the original text. For example: «The editor did not approve my note, although he gave me time until next Tuesday to […]

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Definition of semantic network

Networks are structures that have a pattern that characterizes them and that allows them to relate various nodes (the elements that make up the network). Semantics, on the other hand, is that which is linked to the meaning of concepts. The scheme that allows representing, through a graph, […] is called a semantic network.

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Definition of business writing

From the Latin redactio, writing is the process and result of writing (putting something in writing). The term is also used to name the physical space in which writing is done and the team of journalists who are dedicated to writing for a specific publication. Commercial, for its part, is an adjective that refers […]

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Definition of rectify

Rectify is a verb that mentions the action of modifying something so that it reaches the precision it should have or its ideal state. For example: “After this first cooking, we must rectify the salting and put the meat back in the oven”, “I think you will have to rectify the cylinder”, “The trainer assures that I must […]

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Definition of recrudesce

Recrudescere is a concept that has its origins in the Latin recrudescere. This verb refers to what does something negative when, after having hinted at a retreat or disappearance, it reappears with renewed force. For example: «I fear that the disease may flare up again since the antibiotics are not working [...]

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Definition of recondite

Recondito is an adjective from the Latin word reconditus. The term refers to that which is hidden, is far away or remains hidden. The hidden, in a certain way, is hidden. For example: “The singer chose to spend his vacation in a remote place in Polynesia”, “The work made me very sensitive and brought out my […]

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