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Definition of both

Sendos is an adjective whose etymology takes us to the Latin word singŭlos. The term is used in plural to refer to one for each of a pair or group of objects, individuals, events, etc., according to the meaning detailed by the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). In other words, the […]

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Definition of everlasting

Sempiterno is a concept whose etymological root is found in the Latin word sempiternus. It is an adjective that allows us to describe something that had a beginning but will not have an end. The everlasting, therefore, is perpetual since it will extend forever. It is important to differentiate between everlasting (it has a beginning [...]

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Definition of rutilant

Rutilante is the adjective used to describe the person or thing that sparkles. The verb rutilar, for its part, refers to shining. For example: “The team reached a brilliant level in the first round of the championship”, “Having signed this agreement represents a brilliant achievement for our country”, “The young man managed to observe the […]

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Definition of rudimentary

Rudimentary is an adjective that refers to what is linked to the rudiment. This term, coming from the Latin rudimentum, mentions a precarious or imperfect development; the primordial state of a being; or the first investigations of a scientific or professional discipline. For example: “The singer confessed that, in his adolescence, he lived in a rudimentary house […]

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Definition of ruddy

Rubicundo is an adjective whose etymological origin refers to the Latin word rubicundus. The concept can refer to the blonde color that, due to its tone, resembles red. In this way, ruddy hair is similar to red hair. For example: “A ruddy man surprised everyone by jumping onto the playing field to greet […]

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Definition of broken

Broken is a conjugation of the verb to break: to destroy or break something into pieces, to separate its parts. The usual thing is that when something breaks and, therefore, is broken, it stops working or serving. For example: “Can I come to your house to watch the game? My TV is broken”, “I had to go out to […]

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Definition of label

Label is a term that comes from the Latin rotŭlus. It is that inscription that is placed on something to indicate what it is, where it is sent, what it is for, etc. For example: “Please look at the label on each box and arrange them according to their contents”, “The label indicates that this product expired […]

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Definition of rozagante

Rozagante is a term that comes from the Catalan rossegant. It is an adjective that usually describes something that is brand new, showy or shines. For example: «Despite all the inconveniences she had, the girl arrived at the party with her pink dress and her hairstyle intact», «The table was covered by a tablecloth […]

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Definition of rotund

Rotundo is a term in our language that comes from the Latin adjective rotundus, which in turn comes from rota (“wheel”). The concept can refer to that which is round (that is, having a circular shape). The most common use of the concept, however, is linked to what is blunt, conclusive or categorical. For example: […]

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Definition of roll

Rollo is a concept with a dozen meanings according to the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE). It may be an object that, due to its cylinder shape, can roll. It is also about that which is wound around a cylinder and that, from its turns, can be […]

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