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Definition of shallow

Somero is an adjective that refers to something that is located very close to the surface or above it. The concept is usually used to describe what is done without depth, that is, in a superficial way. Before moving forward with the definition, it is necessary that we proceed to determine the origin […]

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Definition of gloomy

Somber is an adjective that describes a space that has little lighting and where shadows abound. In shady places, therefore, visibility is reduced. For example: “This restaurant is a bit gloomy, I didn't even read the menu”, “The hotel is located on a gloomy street”, “We need to add another […]

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Definition of alone

Solo is a term in our language that comes from the Latin word solus and has several uses. When applied to an individual, it refers to the fact that said subject lacks company. For example: “I'm alone at home, my parents went out to dinner”, “I don't want to go to Ciro's party alone, will you come with me?”, “I don't understand […]

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Definition of flap

The lapel is the sector of the clothing that is located in the chest area and is generally folded. In this way, the flap - which is above the buttons - usually surrounds the neck and has buttonholes that can be used to show off flowers. For example: “I don't like the flap […]

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Definition of profanity

There are many existing theories about the origin of the vulgar term. However, one of those that is considered the most accurate is the one that establishes that it would derive from the Latin sus, which can be translated as "pig." Soez is an adjective that is used to describe that which is uncultured, ordinary, gross, embarrassing or indecent. He […]

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Definition of sociolect

A sociolect is a type of dialect: a linguistic structure that derives from another and that is usually limited to a certain group, but that lacks the differential characteristics necessary to separate it from other structures of the same origin. A dialect can be defined, therefore, as a linguistic variety that […]

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Definition of communicative situation

The set of elements that intervene in an act of communication is called a communicative situation: the sender; the receiver; the message; the place and time where the act takes place, etc. The theory of communication indicates that, in the communicative act, a sender is responsible for sending a message to one or more […]

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Definition of synonymy

The Latin term synonymĭa, coming from a Greek word, came to our language as synonymy. The notion refers to the characteristic shared by at least two words that are synonymous. It should be remembered that synonyms are words that share a meaning: that is, they mean the same or something very similar. Synonymy, therefore […]

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Definition of singular

Singular is a notion that comes from singulāris, a term from the Latin language. As an adjective, it can be used to describe that which is unusual, anomalous or surprising. For example: "The biologists stated that it was a singular event: it is not common for an animal of this species to attack a human being", "Given the resignation [...]

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Definition of synecdoche

A synecdoche is a trope that expands, limits or modifies the meaning of a term, naming a part of something as if it were a whole or mentioning the whole with the name of one of the parts. The Latin word synecdŏche, which comes from a Greek term, came into our language as synecdoche. It is worth remembering […]

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