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Definition of flicker

Twinkle is a verb that can refer to the action that luminous bodies perform when they shine with a slight tremor. This particularity may be due to different issues. When we observe the stars from Earth, we usually see them twinkling: that is, we notice that the stars flicker or that their light turns on and […]

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Definition of tilde

Tilde is a term that can be used in masculine (the tilde) or feminine (the tilde). This is the sign used to indicate the accentuation of a word or to differentiate one letter from another. We must know, in addition to the above, the etymological origin of said term and that leads us to establish […]

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Definition of descriptive text

A descriptive text makes a description of some element. It can focus on a person, an animal, a landscape, an object or a situation, to name a few possibilities. It should be noted that a text is a written or oral discourse that has internal coherence. Descriptive, on the other hand, is that which describes something (that is, that provides information […]

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Definition of instructional text

A text is a discourse, whether oral or written, that has internal coherence. Instructional, on the other hand, is that which allows one to instruct (teach something). The notion of instructional text, therefore, refers to discourse whose purpose is to leave a lesson to the recipient. Whoever accesses an instructive text, in this way, learns […]

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Definition of argumentative text

A text is a written or oral discourse that has coherence. Argumentative, on the other hand, is that related to an argument (the subject of a work or the reasoning that allows a demonstration to be carried out). An argumentative text is called, therefore, the speech that uses different reasons with the aim of achieving the persuasion of the […]

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Definition of gloomy

Gloomy is an adjective derived from the Latin term tetrĭcus that is used to describe that which is extremely serious or that is very sad or gloomy. The gloomy, therefore, provokes disgust and generates chills. For example: "I don't like this hotel: it seems gloomy to me", "The mother's screams when she sees […]

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Definition of terrible

Terrible is an adjective from the Latin word terribĭlis that can be used with different meanings. The first meaning mentioned in the dictionary of the Royal Spanish Academy (RAE) refers to that which causes terror (fear of great intensity). For example: “Terrible crash on the first lap of the race! Let's hope there are no injuries since […]

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Definition of terse

Terso is a term that derives from the Latin tersus. This word, in turn, comes from tergĕre, linked to the action of cleaning. The adjective smooth, in this way, is used to describe that which is radiant, shiny or clear. The most frequent use of the concept is associated with the skin. A smooth face, […]

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Definition of tessitura

Tessitura is the state of mind or the attitude that an individual adopts regarding a certain topic. The etymological origin of the term is found in the Italian word tessitura. For example: "I warn you that you will not achieve anything with that attitude: better calm down and try to reflect calmly before making a wrong decision", "The […]

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Definition of misrepresent

Tergiversāre is a notion whose etymological root is found in the Latin language: tergiversāre. This action refers to modifying the meaning of a speech or an event to cause a wrong interpretation. For example: “The mayor accused some journalists of distorting his words to generate discomfort in the population”, “We cannot distort the […]

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